
Downloading my mind into a computer when I die?

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My wife is making our will and wants to know what I want done when I die.

I have thought about when I die and what I want done and what I really want is my mind downloaded into my computer so I can play games for the rest of eternity.

Does anybody know if people are working on this??

Do you think it will ever be posible??

(I am only 27 and healthy so I think they have about 50 years to work it out)




  1. Its not possibly yet. I am not aware of anyone working directly on this, however, we are making many advancement with both the mind and computer systems. People are working on ways to control computers with the mind, which would be the first step to understanding how to put ones mind into digital format.

    I could conceive this happening in the next hundred years, two hundred at the most. Also, Possibly by that time they will have nano techs that can rebuild our bodies and extend our life spans thousands of years. Its really just on the horizon.

  2. Oh man thats what everbody wants huh?... to play solitaire for eternity


  3. It's estimated that the human mind can store 100TB, and process information at 100Teraflops.  With technology advancing at it's current rate, you should have a computer in your house running at this speed before you die.

    We already have the science to connect nerves to wires, but the brain is too complex to actually link the entire thing.  Even if we did, there's no guarantee that the silicon copy of the brain would contain your spirit/soul/conscience/"ghost."

    Your best bet is still to have your head frozen until science unlocks the secret of immortality.

  4. A microchip that could communicate with thousands of individual brain cells has been developed by scientists

    in Europe,so your idea might be not to far from viability

    in a near future.

  5. According to some extraterrestrials they've been doing this for a long time already. They can put your spirit into another body either real or artificial. You've already heard of Up-grades. Being an animal such as a dog can be really unpleasant especially if it has fleas and the inability to talk anymore. Unless of course your into laziness and self-cleaning like a cat. Being a ghost would be more liberating as you might just be able to time travel that way and go anywhere you want.

    Being stuck in some computer game sounds extremely boring to me. But, I'm sure they could accommodate your "Wish" (Djinn)

  6. actually they have longer than that. The new life expectancy is 150, and they expect the oldest person in 2050 to be older than 100 now. So maybe just maybe, they have 50 years longer.

  7. I think in 50 years that it will be completely reasonable to download your mind onto a hard disk.

    Question is, will your mind just stay there as a reference tool, or would it be able to interact or even act as a processor?

  8. Not being researched, or at least not publicized.

    Theoretically possible, but it'd be a copy of you, not you.  Another problem is that it's running on completely different hardware, so many of the things that'd normally happen for your thoughts would be emulated instead of the normal way.

    Would be cool to have a simulated mind as an online companion, but it's not a replacement for you.

    If you are really goin for self preservation then try cryo.  Very expensive, complex process, but it's all we've got right now.  Plus bringing back anything other than rats has never been tried.

  9. 'tis a diff thought...i think its really possible,science can do anything

  10. Boy that would be one stupid computer.

  11. You are definatly an X-files fanatic.  Its not possible, at least not yet. . . .




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