
Downloading with Linux OS?

by Guest63966  |  earlier

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Has anyone with Linux OS managed to download the game "BubbleShooter" ?




  1. What is the filetype? Is it a .exe? If so, use an emulator, probably Wine. But seriously, if you don't know this kind of stuff, switch back to your stupid Leopard and RTFM. Also, Linux is a kernel, not an OS. Hardy Heron, Ubuntu, etc are distros of that OS.

  2. eew... its tricky

    first you should unzip the file and read the docs. generally they will tell u what to do next. If it needs to be compiled you have to have the appropriate packages installed in your distro, including Make. If you are new to linux, life will be a whole lot easier if you use the package manager to find software for it (you can add repositories if you want more options) or get packaged files in .rpm or .deb format for the package manager to install.

    You will need to get your head around "compiling" and "dependencies" if you plan on installing from .gz files

    packages save you the hassle of all that.

  3. "Linux is a kernel, not an OS. Hardy Heron, Ubuntu, etc are distros of that OS."

    What OS?  It can't be Linux becuase that's not an OS right, lol?

    Anyway, you cannot install it onto your computer if it is an .exe file.

    I suggest you use the Ubuntu distro (version) of Linux, it's very user-friendly.

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