
Dp you guys think anyone would notice if i changed in the bathroom?

by Guest66780  |  earlier

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im in middle school so people make big deal out of everything, and i dont want to change in the locker room because the 6th graders keep staring at everyone else, and i dont want them to look at me, this one other girl changed in the bathroom, and they asked her why do you keep doing that, and ever since then they started changing in the ;locker room. so i dont want anyone to notice me doing that, because then they willl think its weird, what should i do?




  1. Just tell the other girls to mind their own business. People shouldn't be so concerned with you changing. Just tell them you had to go pee or sumthing. Maybe that will get them to back off.  

  2. just slip out and change .. you will have to get over dressing infront of other girls though you are going to have to do it for the remaider of your school years.  

  3. If you are uncomfortable changing in the locker room then change in the bathroom. When I was in middle and high school I always changed in the bathroom. My reasoning is because girls are cruel to each other. If you don't wear the right kind of panties you get picked on (at least at my school you did) it was so dumb that I didn't want to deal with people, even if they were making fun of someone else!

  4. I think your questions in the wrong category, but if you want to change in the bathroom go ahead and forget what anyone thinks of it.

  5. They might, but you might as well just change in the locker room anyways. Something my friends and I did when we were in school was hold a towel for each other....Eventually you'll have to get over it.

  6. I was the same way when I was your age, but I just sucked it up and did it. It's all girls. They have the same thing going on. They've seen it.

    You'll get used to it. Although if you are extremely uncomforable then get changed in the bathroom!

  7. Lol The fact that you posted this in the wedding section made me smile.

    Yes people may notice if you change in the bathroom. It's middle school, I taught middle school students awhile back and yes, they do make a big deal out of everything. However, its up to you to decide if you would rather have people asking about the bathroom or people looking at you.

    Here are some things that you can do....

    Get to the locker room before everyone else and change quickly so less people could see you.

    Before you take anything off, lay out all of your clothes, make sure everything is not inside out or anything so you can change quickly and make sure you can get to everything quickly.

    Get a very long baggy t-shirt to be your gym shirt.

    First take off your normal shirt and fling it down, then put on your very long baggy gym shirt quickly. If you do it really fast they wont see anything. Then you can change your pants quickly without anything showing it because the long baggy shirt will cover you up. Trust me, its better to wear something un-stylish to gym and not have to worry about anything showing in the locker room or anything showing as you move around in gym. Thats what worked for me.

    Good luck honey and try not to stress out too much. We have all been there and you will be fine.

  8. Wrong category...BUT It's fine.  Change in the bathroom, and if they question you about it don't make it seem like a big deal.  Whoever asks you, I would say to them:  "I change in the bathroom so you guys (6th graders) won't be checking me out as you do everyone else."  :D  I use to change weird and people would ask me about it, and that is what I would say.

    I always put on the shirt I was changing into OVER the shirt I was going to take off, and then I would take off the shirt that was under...

  9. At my school, a lot of girls changed in the bathroom and at first I thought it was strange that they were so self conscious, but it doesn't really matter.

    Just change in the locker room. Everyone does it. Or just change in the bathroom and if anyone asks just say you like using the bathroom before gym, and you just figured you would change in there to save time.  

  10. why are you asking this question under weddings? Just curious...

    I don't think it's necessarily weird. A lot of people your age have insecurities about themselves. I say, do whatever is comfortable to you. If that means changing in the bathroom until you feel comfortable changing in the locker room, then so be it. Who cares what the other kids think, right?

    If you are worried about it... leave your bags at your "locker" and take just your clothing with you to the bathroom. You can pretend you are using the toilet and quickly slip on your gym clothes. Just act like you had to use the bathroom before class starts!

    Some schools even offer a private changing room. You may want to ask your gym teacher if that is something that's available.

    Just a note though, if you are only in middle school... you are going to be changing for gym class throughout the rest of your middle school/high school career...

  11. It is weird that you don't want to change in the locker room with everyone else.  It is no big deal getting changed in the locker room.  You will get used to it.  Don't worry if anyone is looking at you.  People may make fun if you change in the bathroom instead of the locker room so don't make a big deal out of it.

  12. um, 1st, wrong category.

    2nd, just change in the locker room!! dont b ashamed of your body!! every girl your age is embarassed and unsure of her body.

    changing in the bathroom is wierd, and i guarantee everyone will notice.

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