
Dr Overman says that many people seem to have mad cow disease and it can be zapped away. Is this true?

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  1. There are actually a lot of people who believe the mad cow disease problem is extremely widespread.  Based on the evidence I've seen them present, I believe it's true but I am not certain it is the case.

    Secondly, he made comments about how the beef industry has gotten the government to prevent any monitoring for mad cow disease, or restrictions of animal feeding practices which create mad cow so they can protect their profit.  I know this is correct (and it's one of the biggest points of evidence for the previous point, along with the fact certain countries now refuse to accept US beef).

    My understanding with prions is that they are nearly impossible to kill without utilizing protein killing agents (which basically kill everything living).

    I'm also intimately familiar with how rife machines (which is what the zappers are based off) work, and I've used them first hand on people suffering from cancer and a few viral conditions with success.

    That said, I have absolutely no idea if they are effective for dealing with prions.  If the model for microorganisms holds true for prions then they are a godsend to solve an impossible problem; otherwise it's a scam.

    I'm skeptical for the following reasons:

    A) I have a fairly good idea of the things which exposure resonance frequencies have a positive and negative effect on.  I would have expected proteins to fall under the positive effect category, but I might be wrong since I have very little to go off of here.

    B) I'm curios as to how he was able to find the resonance frequency of the prions (and I thought there were multiple).  It's doable, but I don't think this random guy would have the labratory facilities to do so.

    C) The other video you posted from him utilized a method I know does not work (applied kinesiology on the energetic field to detect cancers).

    D) He's giving the bla bla bla I channeled god to find the answer.  90% when people say that they are lying.

    That said, he made a lot of good points in his actual discussion.

    In my own system of determing truth, I'd file this under "I have to test it myself to know."  Some of the theory makes sense to me, and if I was ever in the position where someone I knew was dying from mad cow, I would try this since there are no other existing treatments (since at worst it's harmless, and also very cheap).  

    Hope that helps!

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