
Dr Who Fans. Just watched the episode in the Library. Wasn't it a ripper???

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We now know that the Dr will be married to Prof Song sometime in the future. We thought Donna Noble was dead(Noooooo!!!) the Dr can now open and close the Tardis with a click of his fingers and we were introduced to some wee little beasties, the varishnarada (sorry about the spelling). Shudder, give me a cyberman anyday. LOL

The Dr made a deal with the Varishnarada but I didn't catch what it was. Anyone get it.




  1. No the Doctor did not make a deal with the Varishnarada. He offered a deal that was rejected. You will see Cybermen for the upcoming Christmas Special.

  2. Ahh, that was a brilliant episode!! Definitely one of the best in season 4.  Towards the end of the episode when the Doctor was talking to the Vashta Nerada through Anita's com unit, he told them that they could have their "forest" and in exchange, all the people who had been saved to the computer core would be saved.  The Vashta Nerada refused at first but then the Doctor told them to look up his name in the library database and see what was written about him, so the Vashta Nerada pretty hastily changed their minds and gave the Doctor a day to clear the planet - that's how all the people who were saved were getting teleported off the planet at the end.

    Ooooh yes, and the cybermen will be in the Christmas Special!! Yay!!! Love the cybermen - but I kind of wish they would return to the old style ones, y'know, from the classic series - I thought they were a tad more intimidating than the new models who are a bit clunky?? ; )

  3. Ah ah ah, they're careful not to specify exactly what kind of relationship River and the Doctor will share, only that it's extremely important and trusting.

    A deal was struck and River had to sacrifice her mind to bring back the thousands that had been saved.  I was sad she died, honestly.  I didn't dislike her enough to want her dead.  It's just... there was something about her that rubbed me the wrong way.  Honestly, it's not the Rose/10 shipper in me.  I understand that the Doctor lives many lives, meets lots of people, probably falls in love several times (even though thus far he's typically been portrayed as asexual).  River was...... I don't know, not to my liking for some reason.

    I think the click-of-the-fingers thing is an indication that the Doctor isn't merely a Time Lord anymore (though it seems to describe any Time Lord as "merely" so).  He's evolving.

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