
Dr.peeper or Mt. Dew???

by  |  earlier

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In my class we had to survey 25 people about what soda they liked(mt. dew or dr. pepper) the teacher told us to do a scientific mehtod about it. i already did the question, hypothesis, results, experiment, and conclusion. WHAT SHOULD I PUT FOR THE RESEARCH ?????




  1. Not sure exactly what you're asking. Do you mean you're not sure what to write for the methodology of the research design? If you have the question, hypotheses, results, then you would be able to write a conclusion. It depends on your experimental design. Was your 25 people randomly assigned? That would define whether your research design is experimental or quasi-experimental. What was your question? What was your hypothesis. What was your findings based on your results? You can then talk about people preferences for either mt. dew or dr. pepper. you can break it down to age group preferences, gender preferences, socio-economic status, education, etc......

  2. mtn dew.

    i could live on that stuff.

    for research, look on the internet for a little bit of background information on either soda's history, maybe a nation wide/ world wide poll on sodas, or even the ingredients/ nutrition information of the sodas.

    good luck.

  3. Dr. Pepper :)

  4. you should research all about the dranks and what in them to attarct kids to drank it. Slao you should research how many kids drank mt dew and dr pepper and why. and you will surely get a A

  5. thats a hard desicion, because if i had to drink soda, it would be either mountain dew or dr. pepper. i gonna go with dr. pepper. you cant beat the 23 flavors

  6. Pepper Pwns

    Dew is done

  7. Dr. Pepper. It's tasty.

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