
Dragonflies help! Anyone who knows about bugs or insects please help!?

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Alright I have this project were I have to collect these bugs and then find there everyday name, there genus and species names as well. Well I know I found a dragonfly and it is small has some green on it has four wings and it's butt thingy isn't very long. I have been looking all day to be able to find the correct genus and species for it but I just can't seem to find it. And btw I live in Houston Texas. If you know what I might of found or you have a really good site about dragonflies or your a scientist then please help me! I will accept any help and I'll even give away 10 points to whoever helps the most.





  1. I found a site that may help you with your search:

    (You may want to search for more pictures of some of those dragonflies because there are color variations with some of the species)

    It lists dragonflies found in (central) Texas.

    With the description you gave the only one I found that seemed to match was the Eastern Pondhawk (has 4 wings, is green, and doesn't seem to have a very long abdomen).

    Hope that helped somewhat  ^_^

  2. If you are looking in insect field guides,  then you are looking in the right place.

    However,  your insect field guide probably doesn't have BOTH a picture of a male and a female.

    What you have is probably the opposite s*x of what picture you are seeing in your books.

    investigate this.


    Peterson Field Guide of Insects.  Trust me.  I have been doing insect collections for 13 years.

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