
Dragons Den, Homes Down Under and 60 minute makeover, are we being conned?

by  |  earlier

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Last year only 1 dragon deal actually went through, How many families actually go to Oz? 60 minutes- more like a 1 day makeover. Are we being conned by TV again?




  1. I think so ,  especially 60 minute makeover , i mean you can't decorate a whole entire house in 1 hour , can you . Well when they do do it it looks rubbish anyway !!

  2. Total rubbish in a tin con. lol A day makeover & I'll do your house too! Total rubbish

  3. The one where you could do your whole house in less than a day for 200lbs. Poppycock! I tried & it took less than I had to give. Sheets are not for ceilings are they?

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