
Dragons really exist? ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. no,stupid!

  2. Look? At what?

    No, dragons in their mythical form do not exist. 'Myths and Legends' shouldhave been the cluw for you. Komodo dragon lizards are simply a species of very large of lizard found in Asia.

  3. They may have, there are just too many cultures all over the world that have had some sort of great lizard or serpent that they have worshiped or feared. Heck even in the bible they talk about dragons.

  4. Komodo dragons do.

  5. Nobody knows for sure, there isnt enough evidence to prove if there was or wasnt. The best idea with this question is to do your own research and figure out if you think they could have existed. Heres a quick for and against.

    Why dragons could exist.

    - There are stories about them from all over the world

    - They are in many religous books

    Why dragons couldnt exist

    - There is no physical evidence such as bones and such

    - They could have been dinosaurs that were found

    I personally would love to believe dragons existed, they are so awesome, and i think it is possible for such a creature to roam this world.

  6. The one behind you is not happy that you do not believe.

  7. exist-ED. past tense.

    my evidence comes from the texts, engravings, pictographs and overall recorded files from 18 different countries who had absolutely no contact with each other any time during the times listed next to each picture of a dragon.

    either that or its the longest running and amazingly well timed coincidence...but i dont believe in coincidence so lets just look at my first sentence again.

  8. Yes.

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