
Draining RV sewage?

by  |  earlier

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Quick question. I believe my "lovely" neighbors drained their RV sewage directly into a sewer grate...and by sewer grate I mean drainage grate that goes right into a ditch that goes right into a salmon spawning creek.

Before I call the authorities to speak with him i wanted to be sure that it is in fact the sewage thing he drained. Its this big black plastic ABS pipe in the back left/driver's side of the RV, on the bottom. The pipe is probably 4-5" wide and has a big plug.

There was foam on the ground where it drained which ot me indicates that it was not "clean water".... is tehre a way to drain clean water or does it all go out the same pipe? Even if he had not used the toilet, wouldn't it be "grey water" or have toilet chemicals in it?

just want to be sure I'm not jumping the gun. I dont own/use an RV so I dont konw for sure how they work. Thanks!




  1. Well i hate to say it but your lovely neighbors just broke the enviromently law, among other laws when he dumped his sewage in the salom spawning creek. I would tell your neighbor, you know what he did and if it ever happens agin, he wont have to dump his sewage ever again, cause he will be using a toliet of stainless steel from an 5 x 8 room.

    good luck

  2. That's gross. I would most certainly let him know that I saw what he did & that it is illegal. It is your choice whether or not you report him to the authorities but at least let him know he didn't get away with anything so he's not likely to do it again.
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