
Drama help?

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I'm going into class 6 in september in school. We always have a huge year 6 play which is very long.

Most girls in my class are too shy about drama to want a main roll and would prefere a choures charector.

I think this is why we always have plays with boys as the main charator.

I love acting and am not shy. I have drama lessons with my headteacher in year 6, should I leap forward and try my best or huddle up with the shy people because of the headmistress

Have you got any tips on getting a good part?






  1. Never just hide in the background, it won't get u noticed! U should just try ur best, especially if no one else does, as u'll stand out more and the teachers will notice ur talent and enthusiasm. Tips on getting a good part - make sure u go to all the rehearsals to show u r committed, always give it ur all even when u don't feel like it, and ask! If u make it known that u enjoy acting and would like a part then it doesn't leave any doubt in the teachers' minds about what u want.

    Good luck!

  2. Go ahead and do what you want. You don't have to be with all the shy girls you should leap forward and achieve your dreams you will never get far if you just stay with other people just go for it. :)!

  3. A tip on getting a good part? Give the best performance you can muster at your audition. Reasd the play in advance, and have a good idea of who the characters are, and how you think they should sound. Then bring them to life on the stage.

  4. If there is one thing I've learnt in my 16yrs on the planet (oo-er listen to me all wise lol) don't conform if you don't have to!

    Be your own person! Were odd colour converses do weird make-up and more importantly live for yourself and not for anyone else.

    Show your school what you can be and act, girl!!! (I assume you're a girl)

    I personally love acting and have just got a GCSE for playing a murderer lol, it's no fun if you don't do what you want to do!!!

    I honestly think you will get a h**l of a lot of respect if you go for it!! Especially from those who matter!!!

    If you strive to be different and embrace the idea of this play and the other shy people don't then you will stand out and more likely get this part!

    Good luck!!!!!... Or break a leg... Whichever you'd prefer to do! :P

  5. I suspect you already know the answer you want, and it's been offered.

       Why would you let what others do, influence your decisions?

       You don't need to be told to break a leg, step up, assert yourself for any part. You need to attack LIFE that way.

       Will you be flogged or expelled for auditioning?

       Good part,,, hmmm. That would largely depend on your competition and what parts are available for females. It sounds like this is a pretty specific school,,, If so the playing field is likely pretty level. Sadly it reads to me, as if plays are primarily Gender specific, and the leads are for male chracters. That suggests some corruption in the staff.  If there is any bias in this "school" I'd be looking to find another school if I was you.

  6. Go for the big part! It's a lot of work, but it will deffinently pay off.. it will help you gain more confidence.

  7. Show that you're confident and not like any of the other girls.

    Leap forward girl!
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