
Drama play on horror?

by  |  earlier

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i am doing a drama play and need a good plot for it. so far we have a game show and we have four players who go into a house thinking its a party but its really a haunted house. what are somew things that cabn happen whilst there in the house altogether in our group there are 5 people.

thankyou for any ideas you can give:)




  1. So at school they get invited to a party as you said.  There was a bully who told them about the party that everybody will be there tonight.  So then when they go to the haunted house at night the bully was at the door saying come in (the whole time he was just playing a prank on them fyi) So they Run in after him and when they get in it was quiet .... then  out of no where a slender buttler with a black suit pale white face and white hair forcevly invites them in and tell them their rooms are this way. He will tell them to  follow me and then they walk in to the room and the doors slam he says the only way you will get out is if you answer these questions( or whatever you are doing the game show on)and that is all i have well bye...

  2. Anything you can think off.  Are you trying to re-invent the wheel?  Read some horror stories.  It is not the horror as such it is the suspense leading up to the horror.

    Good luck.

  3. You can do the basic cliche horror story: the black guy dies first, then the sleezy jock, then the s**t, and in the end it's the virgin vs. the bad guy.

    Or, you can think a little outside the box. Think about the scariest thing you could think of. The problem with alot of horror stories is that they don't use enough of a human element. You need to make every character as real as possible. Play off of your groups own emotions to make the story frightening as well as human.
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