
Drank to much Coffee... Feeling Dizzy / Sick...?

by  |  earlier

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So today i drank a huge double shot Blended coffee... And now im feeling really dizzy and jittery.. The thing is i drank it about 6 hours ago... Can this still be from the coffee? I normally drink the same thing but in a way smaller size.. Any help's appreciated. Thanks




  1. This happens to me, I am EXTREMELY sensitive to caffine. A half cup can keep me going for about 30ish hours, I'm not kidding. I feel sick from caffine when I haven't eaten enough 'good' food like fruits or cheese or something. Your body is not used to the extra stimulant, it's just freaking out a bit.

  2. thats pretty much what drinking caffine to excess will do to you.

  3. It can take a while for caffeine to really kick in sometimes. It should go away in a couple of hours. As far as the sickness, it's probably from the amount of acid that was in the coffee. It'll go away too, just not a pleasant feeling while it lasts. But be careful with that, if you drink too much of it, it can cause you to throw up (I've worked in a coffeeshop for 2 years and I've seen it happen many times). Feel better!

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