
Draught well suoppose?

by Guest34351  |  earlier

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I'm a new idea guy. Recently I concieved this water saving idea, whereby bathing water is reused specifically and exclusively as toilette water.

In it''s application waste(bath) water could be stored in bladders that occupy the space between wall joice's then drawn upon as needed to refill the toilette tank. In parts of the world which have limited supply of clean drinking water

flushing the toilette does not require pottable water

You'd need to think from my idea rather than about them

this is my latest innovative experiment I've been a self described inventor for the past 15 years so my other hot thoughts are in the works. If you have a problem there seems to be no practical solution for

run the problem under my nose please? or 323)-730-1935

I offer my apptitude on a voluntary basis

this is not a scam and your identity will be held in confidence

99.9% of my thoughts and idea's are intended to provide the most efficient outcome

Thanks for reading my post





  1. Good idea. Half a century back, it would have been innovative. The bladders in the walls do seem to be original, though. Try googling "grey water" (or "gray water").

    BTW, it may not be a good idea to post your email and phone number for all to see. People can contact you thru Y!A.

  2. I like it.  I've either read or seen on some TV show where heat was salvaged from hot bath/shower water but it was stored underneath a raised shower or bath.  When the night temp dropped then the still warm water was released into some sort of piping along the base boards for supplemental heat.

    Your idea may need some type of small pump to get it up into the walls if a single story house.  A hand pump similar to the little pumps that you can stick in the end of a drill would be great.  For someone wanting to save a little more the pump could be hand operated to save energy as well.  Most toilets now only use 2 or 3 gallons and it would only take a minute the hand pump that amount of water.
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