
Drawing Comic Backgrounds? Which Looks Better?

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I'm not sure which style of background I should use in my colour graphic novel.

The first style has no outlines for the background while the characters have lines. Example here:

The other style uses lines for everything. Example here:

Which technique is better? Thanks for your help. :)

(and just to clarify, I did not draw any of the examples)




  1. The second one...its much clearer and in my opinion prettier :)

  2. My opinion would be the 2nd 1.

  3. I really like both of them because the environment is drawn really well, but I'll have to go with the first one because I love animals more than amphibians, sorry. ^-^  

  4. it depends how deep your story is going to be, if you are going to have a story that requires lots of conversations and depth then i would say the first one, if your story is going to focus more on visuals and surroundings then i would say the second one

  5. both but i like the second one better

  6. i like #1 better, but i think im gonna draw my backgrounds the second way since it seems easier :]

    answer mine plz?

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