
Drawing/anime help please? :|?

by  |  earlier

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My dad FINELY hooked up this scanner, and i want to edit my drawings on photoshop.I need alittle help on how to color it in. See how the blank anime drawings have a black outline? I dont know how to do that...This is my drawing, please help me? :|

thank you SO much for taking your time reading this :]




  1. Here's a good guy who teaches shading and stuff. Has other links on there too.

    Just some advice though, if you want a really good turn out of ya pictures, you should use ink, instead of pencils (To get the black line and all). And also, a Tablet might help you get nice lines and stuff. But don't go all out and buy one if you don't want.

    Good Luck...

  2. You don't have to make "anime style" drawings completley submerged in anime couture.  

    But, if you insist..

    If you go to and search for "ink outline tuts" or "ink outline tutorials" then you will probably find some guides to do this in Photoshop.

    Some people's drawings look more natural than what you can do in Photoshop because they have a tablet, which is having an electronic pen hooked up to a pressure-sensitive pad...

    Or they erase some of their markings in Photoshop... to get that result... or there's some Photoshop technique...

    But I think the secret lies in having multiple layers, and changing opacities. Like, have a layer for your scanned image, and another for just the ink outlines (so the background is transparent), and another layer filled in with white, maybe change the opacity a little.


  3. The pen tool.

    Open your scanned sketch in PS. Choose black for your colour. Remember to select a small brush size for the lines, I usually use 1 or 2 pixels. Select the pen tool. Outline your artwork with the pen tool (needs time getting use to, tip: pull in the direction you want the line to curve to). Afterwards, right click with your mouse. Select "Stroke" command. Press delete to clear all the lines created with the pen tool, revealing the black outline you created with "Stroke".

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