
Dream I broke arm and please answer?

by  |  earlier

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I had a dream I was at my softball teams pool party and i went there and all i can remeber i was laying on the side crying and the 2 twins Kim and Kara were carrying me to the car and i stopped crying and i went to orthopedic and they let me pick a color and i picked Bright Lime green. and it was all the way up to my shoulder and i couldnt play the championship softball game tommrow,, yeah, i know its a dream but my dreams almost always come true and im scared!!!! HELP! is this most likely going to happen?




  1. i think this is more likely to be just your fear of not being able to play tomorrow expressing itself in dream format. if it seems your dreams "come true", it might just be that you subconciously picked up on the warning signs, and then subconciously thought about it, creating a dream. don't worry.

  2. then just dont go to a pool party if someone has it, if your that skeptic that is.  but a broken bone may also represent a broken part in your life like a fight with a friend, parent anything like that

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