
Dream I had ALL the time when I was a little girl?It still freaks me out!!?

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I would have this dream 2 or more a year for at least 5 years in counting.I don't have it anymore,but I still remember it.

In It,it was night and I could not sleep.Something persuaded me to go downstairs in the basement were I would find sleep.but I didn't want t go because it was scary down there.

But something would always make me go down.

It was pitch black through the whole dream.

I made my way downstairs terrifide of the dark.I sat down on my dad's orange swivel chair and shivered for fear (I could always see the orange fabric on the chair)

Then bright eyes would appear every were.I always associated them with ghosts.(sometimes they would talk to me trying to haunt me or say that they were my friends)

I was parallelized with fear until I got courage and ran up the stairs to my mum and dad's room.Only to find out that there were ghosts too.

I then woke up in a cold sweat.

And I have had this dream many times in my young life,but not anymore.





  1. The dream is representative of insecurity and fears of being left alone in life.  The basement and darkness represents life's uncertainty but your dads chair represents the relative safety you want.  You are still afraid but as long as you are in that safety the "eyes" can't get you.  The run to parents that are not there is another play on insecurity.

    Think of your childhood years and what type or degree of security and safety did you have in the relationship of your parents.  Some dreams stem from parents who argued and fought (the instability of the secure home), or a rough financial situation (struggling to make ends meet-not having what the other kids around your environment had, etc.).

    Dr. Tommy Skelton

    The Book of Dream Interpretations

  2. One interpretation:  You were experiencing a kind of out-of-body awareness as a child.  The fear of the dark is your awareness of the darkened or obscured distance between your soul-awareness and your outer waking consciousness.

    Bright eyes indicate a mental awareness of you, by spirit-beings (whose nature could partially be interpreted by whether they sounded gutteral, whiney, threatening, etc.).

    Orange fabric of your dad's chair was comforting for you.  Courage to run up the stairs was good; that you earlier were trying to find sleep "downstairs" indicates you were restless about "staying in your own skin."

    Then, moving up to your parents' room, and finding "ghost eyes" there, too, indicates you, as a child, were aware of "invisible friends," "ghosts," and other such "psychic phenomena."  That your dream experience repeated, and that you were genuinely frightened, indicates perhaps a closer psychic attunement than the average.  Your fascination and continued non-resolved feeling indicates there is additional information or lessons to be understood--even if only that you should stay in your bed, even if you dream you can't sleep--that latter condition is called (early) lucidity.

    Some books relating to this:

    "Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph.D.,

    "Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D.,

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton, and

    "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet.

    And, and

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi.

  3. sounds like you had fear in your life. and in your dreams you were trying to face the fears..... as you got older you have faced the fears.. or at least you dont dream that dream anymore,,,have you faced that fear?

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