
Dream: I saw 3 creatures seen at bottom of ocean saying they are baby aliens..What does this dream mean?

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The 3 creatures were Octopus! Before I saw them I saw myself in a skin divers suit! I heard the noises of submarines.. then one submarine turned into flying saucer and let out the 3 Octopus. There was an alien in the saucer with black eyes and small nose and snakelike body. The Alien said we'll take over the world at 6666 then I woke up.. what does this mean? (I have my own ideas but what do you think it means) It's a real dream honest! Oh there was some star fish in the ocean and the Octopus said hello friends!




  1. holy **** yes this is the prophecy of cthulu you r a prophet i have been researching this look up cthulu on and research it a little bit it may help u understand contact me at for more questions

  2. nothing

  3. It means you had a crazy dream.

    Everyone has these kinds of dreams at some point in their lives.

  4. you watch to much sci-fi

  5. your losing it

  6. it sounds like u were on acid or something before u fell asleep.

  7. means ur just hav n weerd dreems. ppl get stupider n stupider evry day

  8. I did a little search, and octopus signify that u r entangled in some sort of situation. Heres a site to help, just do a search for key words

  9. You can interpret your dreams better than us.


  10. you watch too much scifi?

  11. lol sorry but sounded like a cute dream and something a little kid was explaining.

    I don't really think dreams mean anything unless it's something realistic or that I've been thinking about a lot. It's just a dream. It's your brain working while you're sleeping and just making you see random images.

    I don't think it means anything. I don't think anyone would take armageddon seriously if they knew that it would involve octopuses from a submarine taking over the world.

  12. 12. 1+2=3

  13. i live in a GIANT bucket

  14. its jus a dream child...dont reack ur head wit tryin to figure out wat it means...ITS JUST A DREAM!!!!!!!!!!

  15. do you fear or  interest in aliens ( im guessing fear?), did you watch any sort of underwater adventure movie that had octopi? you are a Christian or you had some interest on 666 ?

    btw there will be no 6666 ( i wouldnt concider 2066 as 66)

  16. that ur an idiot

  17. did this happen after watching sharkweek?

  18. wow... this is sooo wierd. its just a dream. sometimes dreams dont mean anything. this one time i had a dream that i was eating a sushi sandwich. that didnt mean anything.  

  19. that ur a total douchbag and S**t will happen to u.

  20. that means that you fell asleep thinking about what ever your dream was about when ever you have a dream its from think about right before u fell asleep  

  21. i can believe that is a real dream. It mean you have a very active imagination and if you do not knowingly believe in paranormal you do unconsciesly. Or it could mean you have watched too many movies about things like that and they are blending together. or it could have to do with an old childhood experience which you have repressed.  

  22. dunno but i do agree u have been watching too much SciFi

  23. it means you've had too much caffeine before bed  

  24. when u dream of unknown creatures,someone dieing that usually means some change will happen in ur life soon.

  25. are you pregnant? or did you eat lots of onions before you went to bed? that can cause bad dreams.. i think ur just paranoid about killer octopus taking over the world.

    main point. dont sweat it, if you have any other crazy dreams, maybe go see someone. but if not, just live ur life, and let it surprise you.

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