I had a dream that I was at a pub when I met up with my ex. My dream fastfowarded to us being at his apartment. As I turned to leave there was a shoebox sized black scorpion in front of me, no matter where I went it would stand in front of me defensively. I threw a set of keys at it and it went into my ex's apartment. My ex and I started having physical intimacy and when it was over my ex fell asleep, the scorpion came and laid on my chest. I had NO fear of it at that point, I started to pet it and I noticed my ex had woken up. He smiled and laughed, "He seems to really have taken a liking to you."
My ex is a scorpio.
I had this dream twice already and both times I was afraid that the scorpion would sting me in the beginning. My ex said every time I told him I needed to leave and to kill it he answered, "It's been here for a while, it doesn't bother me at all."
I dreamt of this black scorpion before, only it stung me last time three times and my ex wasn't in that dream. Help?