
Dream Interpretation?? Help?! Good Answers Get Extra Points and Starred!!?

by Guest64539  |  earlier

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Well last night my mother had a dream that she was walking her 6 year-old brother (who is now like 43) down the street of a place similair to Central Park. In the park, there were about 50 dogs; big, small, yellow, black, fat, skinny, e.t.c. My mother decided to cross the street, away from the dogs. While she went to the other sidewalk, she saw a dog emerge from the corner. Once the 50 dogs saw that other dog, they all ran and loudly barked as they tried to catch that other dog. They avoided my mother and ran around her, not touching her but running towards the other dog. Out of the 50 dogs, there was one with a broken leg, limping to join the other dogs to catch the 'wanted' dog. It persisted limping on one leg muttering 'im gonna get him'

Last night my mom also had a dream about dogs, but she couldn't remember exactly what it was when she woke up.

Please help decode this??!




  1. Dog: "Often, how you feel about friendship is revealed by dogs. If the dog is friendly, it can represent devotion. If the dog is unfriendly or dangerous, it could mean that a person in you life has those qualities. Dogs can also mean you are under the influence of misused or neglected instincts."-Dream Dictionary

  2. Hello

    I hope my experience as a dream interpreter can help your mom.

    First off key elements



    50 dogs



    ok  so

    Your mom's brother as a child in this dreams means that she has a tendancy to over protect (or over worry about him) or she did. She is going to go through or is going through a period of renewal adn readjustment after a period of personal conflict or an ending of something (or situation)

    She is hesitant adn approaching a new situation and she has no desire to move forward in this situation and she needs to take that chance and move forward.

    The barking dogs means she has a habit of making demands on people and trying to control situations (maybe this has to do with not just her brother but on everyone.) If she has a tendancy to control her bro it's time to LET HIM GO HUN.

    the number 50 means

    5- A change in course some leassons learned or will be learned.

    0- Perfect, a circle has no ends so God is teaching and peace will be here soon.

    the yellow and black dogs mean that there is fear but she is aware of the fear and thus needs to overcome.

    Hope that helps.

  3. Dogs = friendship, social pressure

    Walking with 6 year old brother = responsibility

    Your mother may have some stress about things in the household.  However, she projected that being surrounded by dogs with her little brother.  That projection is telling her that she is feeling helpless.   This could be directly about her family; however, her little brother was shown up in her projection. That is reflecting her anxiety in obligation she is currently in.    

    The dogs normally symbolize friendship.  However, in this case, it could symbolize some social pressure she is having.  The limp one tried to join the other dogs added the evidence of peer pressure.  She may be feeling lack of support in some aspect.  

    Dreaming of dogs could suggest that she is looking for someone who can understand her fully including stress she has now.  (I am not sure about her marital background or does she have spouse or anyone who can listen to her stress, but dogs come to her mind as someone she wants support from in some aspect of life)

    That is why she vent out her feeling in dreams like that .

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