
Dream Interpretation: I had a complete dream in German last night but don't know German - what does that mean?

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I was watching some n**i TV show before falling asleep.




  1. Wooow.Man! Thats so cool.

    I have no idea but thats just wicked weird and awesome

    ...but wat if it wasnt German...hmmm

  2. Maybe its not that language itself you should look at. Depending on what happened in the dream (considering you don't know and/or speak german) maybe its a literal feeling of not being able to understand a situation or person. Not being able to translate someones feelings or something going on, as i say it all depends on what happened in the dream, take from this what you will =)

  3. It won't happen.

  4. How do you know your dream was in real German?  Maybe it was just in gibberish.

  5. Well it's like when you dream about a house, it's totally imaginary, you've never seen it before, but you KNOW in your dream that's it's YOUR home! Somethings in dreams don't make sense, they don't co-ordinate witht he images and such, but you know what's supposed to be happening. So even if it was total gibberish then your brain interprets it as german, and in the dream it's suposed to be german!

    It's proven that 9/10 times you dream about the last thing you thought before deep REM sleep. Which is worrying for some of the thing is dream! XO!

    So you were probably just thinking about the TV show.

    I think some dream mean things and others don't. I'm not sure this one does, maybe just your brain reveiwing what you watched. If you don't know german then i don't think it was actually geramn, just supposed to be german. BNut it if was then... XO! Scary! Well goodluck!

  6. how do u know it was german then lol :D

  7. You were having latent memories of a past life experience in which you were a n**i and fell asleep listening to an English radio program, and woke up unable to understand English, and utterly confused.

  8. I hate that, when ever I fall asleep in front of the tv, I dream about what is on. It probably sounded quite authentic in your dream, but was not actually german words, just words your mind created that sounded like the german language. Their accent was in your mind and probably at least more than a few actual german words were spoken during the programm, that your innerconsiuosness picked up on.

  9. What you thought is what you dream.

    Your dream mean nothing.

  10. You seriously need to quit eating sausage and sauerkraut before bedtime!

  11. Dreams are just your mind going through your memories. Since you were watching stuff about the n***s, your mind picked up the words and stored them. Then, when you fell asleep, your brain was just reviewing through memories, and this happened to be one of them! And who knows? Half the words might of not been real, maybe that was on your mind while you fell asleep and your brain grabbed it and twisted it and made it into an odd dream.

    Hope that helps a bit!

  12. I bet if you recorded it it wouldnt be german.

  13. Well watchin that n**i TV show is the answer to your dream, most dreams are usually about pieces of information that are in your head that you are thinking about, like for example if you have an exam you may be thinking about it the night before and dream about it...seeing as you watched a TV programme to do with Germany it is possible that thoughts of the programme were in your mind causing you to dream of a "German dream"

  14. It may not actually have been German.  Especially considering that you don't know German.  At the very least it was what your mind considers to be German.  I don't think it means anything.

  15. Then how do you know it was german? It means you were redreaming what you saw, it was on your mind, also did you fall asleep while watching the show?

    If yes, your subconciouse mind pick it all up.

    Happens to me all the time when TV sleep!

    It is messed up, when I fall asleep, becaus of talkshows, the news and the adultrated commerceals we have here.

    Give your mind atleast 30 min chilltime befor going to sleep and you will be dreaming about other things that bother you, bytheway, how is your daughter feeling today???

    Hope everything is ok,now.

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