This morning I had a dream, about this guy (who I've never met or seen in real life). And he was SO perfect. It was like love at first sight (even though it was a dream.) He was so cool, and in my dream, we were just hanging out, and talking. And I could tell that he liked me too. In the dream we were about to kiss, but we never did, because some people in buses were outside of the window, and I think they were joking me for being with him, but I didn't care. But then he just stopped talking for a while, and then I woke up.
This guy was SO perfect, and I want to know what this dream meant. I don't know if god was showing me the guy I will fall in love with, and the problems we will face, or what. And I've never had a boyfriend, and I have no crushes right now, and none of my previous crushes have looked like him either. So I don't know what this dream represents.
I am so sad, and keep on thinking about this dream guy, and I'm starting highschool this year, and I hope I meet him there, or something. I need help!