
Dream Meaning...please....?

by  |  earlier

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The other night I dreamed that I was at this concert where my two favorite singers were performing together and all the people there were up to there arms in water,including me, and then one of the performers came out into the water singing one of my favorite songs and he grabbed the brim of my baseball cap, pulled it down and asked what is said. And after he read it he laughed and kissed my forehead. At this point in my dream I started telling him what a HUGE fan I was of him and how much I LOVED him. Then he smiled and I kissed him on the cheek. That is where I woke up. But the wierdest thing was that I could feel him grab my cap, kiss my forehead, and I could feel my lips touch his cheek.





  1. i read that dreaming of flood or some kind of water like that is a sign of an overflow of emotion and if the kiss was enjoyable a wish to be close to someone. So you probably have been thinking of this singer a lot, and maybe have developed a little crush on him. Dreams are said to reveal you deepest desire.

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