
Dream Reading? please tell me what it means?

by  |  earlier

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This is odd but last night i had a dream of paparazzi chasing after a famous person who then hid into the garage. my 3 friends were trying to sneak into this house through the open door garage probably tying to also find the hidden celebrity. I then sat on the couch with my the rest of my friends and a friend with her bf. I then saw Justin timberland in a suit (kinda formal party) talking to other guys yet he wasn't recognized by anyone, just a random person at the party. He was 2 feet away and then looked at me, asked if i would like to dance with him(or something like that, maybe hang out?) I asked why he chose me after all he could of picked anyone at the party. Then he said i looked lonely and he was too. we then went in rich pimp cars 0.o to go scuba diving. It was night time and we were in the ocean together and he never let go of my hand. We then were heading back and Justin decided to run away with me, then we went into a separate car and sat together, then arrived (this is kinda the part i woke up at)

sorry if it doesn't make sense, i kinda edited some =X. I never been obsessed with celebrities unless Michael Phelps counts ... but when i woke up i didnt even no the actor only the movie i later found out was called model behavior.(which i haven't seen in maybe 2 years.) I'm not a big fan of celebrities either. Please tell me what this means xD




  1. You wish you were famous ? XP

  2. this person in the dream means that he just want to be like any one else, but at the same time this person is also very lonely who wants to find some one who appreciate him for who he really is . he is tired to be hunted by the media and just wants to be a normal person. you are going to meet some genuine and who see something in you that others have not seen yet.

    good luck girl

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