
Dream... The Pet Cemetery...??

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I was heading into a cemetery late at night. I was there to visit my husband's father's grave. On my way, I see a little dark grey/whitish kitten roaming around. I also see blonde woman who was there to visit the cemetery, I said nothing to her, I just noticed her.

Once I got to my husband's father's grave stone, I notice there were a pair of long socks covering up the stone. I removed the socks one at a time and I see that the stone is hard to read and it's really dark, but I knew it was his grave. I said a little prayer and walked away. That kitten that I noticed earlier was following me as I was walking away from his grave stone. That kitten would try it's best to stop me from walking away, it seems. While I was walking that kitten would run up to the back side of my legs and scratch me, which kinda hurt, lol. I then picked up the kitten and told it to say something. Well... it did. The kitten said "Ok fine...", "I Love You!" I was a it shocked when I heard the kitten talk to me in a language I could understand so I put the kitten down and walked off. My heart was pounding, lol.

Ok that is it. What do you think??




  1. To see a cat in your dream, signifies much misfortune, treachery, and bad luck. However, for the cat lover, cats signifies an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. If the cat is aggressive, then it suggests that you are having problems with the

    feminine aspect of yourself. To dream that you are in a cemetery, indicates an end to a habit or behavior. You are experiencing a rebirth. More directly, the dream may symbolize sadness, unresolved grief or your fears about death.

  2. The reason why your heart was pounding was because this kitten was a messanger from your father in law. He is grateful that you are so loving to him.

  3. maybe the kitten has the love of your father in it which is why it was at the gravestone and why it said it loved you.

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