
Dream about a FMF threesom, then suddenly.....what does this mean?

by  |  earlier

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Last night I had a dream that I had a threesome with two other females. I know it sounds common, but it was still a dream and I would appreciate it if someone could interpret what it means.

I've never seen the two girls. Im in my early twenties. Both looked attractive and one looked around my age, may have been slightly older, whiile the other one looked like she was about 4 years older.

It was two complete strangers, I can only remember one girl coming over and sitting in my lap facing me(not having s*x). Then we both got the urge to, she stopped and said no, then she pointed to her friend(the older looking one), then she started looking at me like she was attracted and walked over to me. Then all three of us had the urge to, then the dream stopped. I didnt dream about the actual act, but it built up to it, then the dream stopped before it actually happened. I can remember me foreplay with the 1st girl, and almost starting with the 2nd, but before any intercoarse the dream stopped. It wasn't a wet dream either.

Im not g*y and I would have liked to have dreamed further, but thats what happened. Weird.

What does that mean?

I appreciate any input from anyone who knows what their talking about or can help in my understanding. Thanks again.




  1. Hmmm.....  It seems to me that you enjoy naked women, and s*x. You may or may not need to see your doctor about this.

  2. I sorta have this kinda dream before. What I heard from the website that I went to interpret that dream of mine was that I need more enjoyment and excitement on my s*x life. They said that I might not receive enough excitement with my current partner. Basically it about you needing more action in your s*x life. Yeap.

  3. You are denying your natural attraction to women, on the outside because on some level it scares you that its there. You may be bisexual. You are worried about your appearance, have some self esteem problems right? And, with men you tend to rely on your sexuality, and their curiosity about the things they don't have, and you are able to feel confident. But with women you are scared because they have breast too, and may not be so impressed, easily, like a man. So in your denied attraction there is a great fear of rejection- you are attracted to beautiful women but would only feel comfortable with one less attractive than you. You are way to hard on yourself- Your attraction toward women may not even be sexual, it may be manifesting itself in an arena that will enable you to see more clearly how insecure you are. You need to work on defining your strengths and gaining the confidence to know you and be you- Then you can be happy. You will end up with a nice man if you do this, because your right, your not g*y.  

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