
Dream about a ferris wheel coming off the supports..?

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Last night I had a dream that I was at a local amusement park with a bunch of my family. Me, my dad, my uncle, cousin, and some others were watching people ride the ferris wheel. When I was younger, I used to wonder what would happen if it came off the supports. That's what happened. It rolled off right as we were watching it, so everyone ran back a ways. It fell over and spun around like a plate would if you dropped it on a table. It ended up that part of it was sort of.. laying on top a roller coaster that isn't actually at the park. People flung off and stuff, I guess. We all ran up to it and crawled under to look at it, then we went back. Police or something came, and there were little ponds or fountains around where it was, and some trees. The police lifted up a beam and pulled out a bloody, cut off arm. Not a hand, just the middle part. It was dripping blood, my dad walked up and took it from the police and put it up next to the ice/water slot in a refrigerator (which was randomly there.) He just shoved it up there and some blood dripped down. Just curious if anyone knows what that dream would mean, besides it being a childhood fear and whatnot?




  1. when you dream you dream in symbols. these symbols are created in the sub-conscious to help us deal with problems in our lives that we can't or won't deal with in the awake state. does this have anything to do with your childhood fears? i don't think so. unless something has happened to you lately to bring up this old fear of yours. i would put this in the category of a chaos dream. a chaos dream is a dream that normally deals with

    thunderstorms,tornadoes,hurricanes,flo... type of dreams occur when tthings in your life are out of control. it can be because of a job,finances,family problems,friendships,ect. it causes a feeling of vulnerability and loss of control. the only way to come back from this is to find the problem and deal with head on with it. it could actually be more than just a single problem. but it definitely needs to be dealt with and the sooner the better. may blessings be with you.

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