
Dream about a white bird?

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Last night I had an odd dream that I went up to my biggie's cage to sing to it and whatever, except when I got to it's cage, my bird wasn't there. Instead, I saw a white bird with it's wings backwards... It was trying frantically to fly... does this symbolize anything?




  1. Dreams about birds are usually dreams about the future. White doves that are frantic and trapped and deformed, can be premonitions of death. Maybe the death of your own bird...

    If you were disturbed by this dream, then you may smell death in the air.

    However, if this wasnt particularly disturbing, it could simply mean that you feel your thoughts are not peaceful...they are frantic and broken. Are you anxious?

  2. I think this bird is yourself . Do you feel trap in a situation where you cannot find a way out  

  3. I was told by a therapist that you need to consider the feelings and emotions in the dream and not so much the content. She said when you start looking at the feelings you experience during the dream then you are getting an idea where your subconcious thoughts are. If you do this regulary then you really start to see the patterns in your dreams reflecting how you are feeling in life at the time.

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