
Dream about a workplace shooting, need help understanding it....?

by  |  earlier

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I dreamt a few nights ago that I was at work (it was not my place of employment) I believe that it was a hospital, not real sure. I was in a meeting with a group of people that had formed two straight lines that faced each other. I was standing in one of the lines towards the end and was studying each one of them trying to figure out which one would be more likely to get angry and start shooting the place up. Somehow in the dream I knew that it was going to occur and was trying to prevent it from happening. While I was checking everyone out, some man (he was a stranger) walked in wearing a green vest that was loaded with ammo and started shooting everyone in sight. I took three bullets. There was only two survivors myself and another man. I awoke in the hospital and got out of my bed and found a report that had been done on me and was reading it when several nurses found me, they had been looking for me. They were surprised that I survivored, the other survivor was in a coma




  1. Dont worry. I always tell everyone this about thir scary r gorey or anykind of dreams.  They are only ther to help you.  If in your dream u knew that ther woud be a shooting but didnt do anything, your probably confused about something at work.  or in your family.  I can not completely say, but whenever i have a scary or twisted dream, i take this quiz thru iVillage and its thorough and helps me.

    Here is  the link:

    It will ask you sum questions that were probably not in ur dream, but answer them like they were.

    Good Luck!



  2. i always have a dream where i'm caught in the middle of a shooting spree, i always play dead, but the bad guy always walks up to me and finishes me off.....then i wake up........start dreaming that you are carrying a gun and shoot back next time

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