
Dream about being attacked by ZOMBIES?

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Last night I had a crazy dream that I was at a house with a bunch of other people (some who I knew, some I didn't). We were getting prepared to fight an onslaught of terrifying zombies, that were about to invade the house.

We didn't have ANY good weapons, only make-shift ones that we found around the house. Hammers, kitchen knives, screwdrivers, whatever we could find to stick'em with.

They arrived by bursting through the front and back doors, climbing in through windows, coming from every direction. We managed to fend off most of them, but the rest of them ended up getting the best of us, I woke up right before one of them grabbed me by the throat from behind!

It would have made a good movie. Any meaning behind this dream?




  1. To dream a zombie, suggests that you are physically and/or emotionally detached from people and situations that are currently surrounding you. You are feeling out of touch. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are feeling dead inside and are simply going through the motions of daily living

    To see a hammer in your dream, signifies power, strength, virility, and masculine attitudes. It also symbolizes growth and construction.


    I'm beginning to worry about you ,

    First of all go out asap to a party and you will have so much to talk about you will have enery one in stitches laughing.

    Possible meaning behind you dream :

    Any dream about about zombies - also called the living dead - may carry a powerful message to you. If you are the zombie in your dream, it is a signal that you are feeling very detached from all of the normal, everyday things going on around you. You may be emotionally numb and not be able to feel positive or negative emotions these days. If you dream of being attacked by zombies, you feel like others are insensitive to your feelings and are not seeing the significance of a situation, or that nobody is tapping into your cries for help.

    Mmmm food for thought.

  3. Doors and windows are feminine sexual symbols they can associate with the dreamers ability to understand the outside world.  Zombies may suggest knowledge within the dreamer that now requires fleshing out and empowering by the conscious mind.  It may also suggest fear of death or an after-life bereft of senstion and human emotion.

  4. I find most of my dreams reflect whats going on in my life.

    have you watched any scary movies lately, read any books, like twilight for example, that has to do with being chased...

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