
Dream about boyfriend leaving me.

by  |  earlier

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I laid down to take a nap and had a dream about my boyfriend leaving me. I was running around our house looking for him in every room when i was by the front door i saw it was unlocked and then he came in with a newspaper. It looked like something was bothering him and i asked and he promised he was okay. He went into the living room and i followed. [the scene changed] There was a blonde girl sitting on one couch and he was sitting on the other one. i sat down next to him and asked him again if something was bothering him. he said yeah and told me he's leaving me for her [the blonde] i started getting confused and crying. I asked why. and he said after we watched some movie about a girls dad and her boyfriend becoming good friends he wanted a wife he could get along with her parents [my boyfriend and parents dont get along] and i said things were getting better, and why are you doing this right after i get your name tattoo'd on my arm. My mom appeared but then left. And he sat there for awhile then called the girl and said he wanted to stay with me and she has to leave. she got up and left and that was it. this is the second kind of dream i had of these. the other was him cheating on me with a girl the both of us dont like.




  1. check out DREAMMOODS.COM

  2. All these indicate that you have a few insecurities with your relationship

    it happens

  3. Well, you obviously feel insecure about your relationship with your boyfriend. But then again there just dreams of what you fear which could just be portraying nothing but that, fear. But if it calms you down, talk to your boyfriend and get his reassurance that there is nothing to be worried about.

  4. this website helps to interperet your dreams. sort of like they are metaphors or analogies.

  5. calm down. i dream of my husband doing that kind of stuff or sometimes i dream he just up and leaves me and i never see him again but he has been my loyal partner for 4 years now. i think we all have bad dreams like these. its maby just lifes emotions and pressures or movies we have seen playing out havic in our dreams.  

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