
Dream about crush - what does it mean??

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The other night I had a dream and a guy I like was in it. I've never dreamt of him before.

I was at a kind of pajama party with lots of other people. It seemed like we were all very young teen-agers - which was weird because I'm not! It was time to go to sleep and I was lying on a mattress when I suddenly spotted my crush on a sofa acrossed the room. A minute later, this girl - who he obviously knew - got onto the sofa with him and started kissing him passionately. I never saw her face, only the back of her. He kissed her back (which seemed like it was sort of for show), but wasn't exactly into it either. When I saw this, I felt very uncomfortable. I ended up getting up, getting dressed and leaving the party.

And I woke up not knowing what the heck to make of it. Can anyone help me understand what this means? Thanks :)




  1. ats bad, dreams like that can mess up your mind and actually become true, it can become an obsession, i actually had a dream like that about a year ago, i got jelous in the dream, and it affected me in reality, don not think of the dream, trust me them kind of dreams are cruel.  

  2. The dream suggest you are sexually attracted to this guy.  Your dream takes you back to a more innocent time and you were at party that usually only consisted of females.  However, in the dream your unconscious is giving you some negative information about this guy.  The girl he is kissing is unimportant.  What is important is that this guy appears to have shallow relationships and your unconscious is telling you it is not a good idea to pursue a relationship with him.

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