
Dream about deformed baby

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I dreamed that I was on the phone with my friend since highschool (who was in the form of Holly from Girls Next Door) and I was pregnant. Suddenly I told her, "Hang on, I gotta have my baby real quick, let me call you back." Then I squatted down in the tub and basically squeezed out the entire amniotic sac. Apparently this was how I gave birth. Then I had to open it and pull the baby out. There was a healthy baby girl inside and she wasn't breathing. I squeezed her a little then she spit up and was fine.

My mother appeared at this point, then I squeezed out a second sac and there were 2 more babies. The first one literally looked like a small adult figurine version of my husband, but then I realized that it was all deformed, similar to the bones and muscles showing on Two Face in the recent Batman movie.

It was at this point that I noticed the third baby and pulled him out, he was very badly deformed and had like 6 legs and his bones were all showing. My mother took the baby and said "This baby will have a terrible life and will be too hard to raise," then took it away and went to throw it in the trash. I think she was going to throw away the first deformed one as well. I cried and cried and then took my healthy baby girl out of the bathroom and snuggled her, but then I realized she was a doll.




  1. I agree with puppy.  Babies often represent something new; pregnancy

    means birthing something new.

    You should vote her as the best answer!

  2. I doubt this is about babies though baby dreams tend to have that emotional effect on you very much when you wake up.

    Babies seldom represent actual babies. Usually they are about new in general. New start, new ideas. Good and bad ideas. I think this is the case here.

    You get an idea while on the phone that is not fully formed yet. You work on it and it is an amazing idea. You have some more ideas but they turn out to be not 'that good'. Specially because your husband helped you with that one.

    Your mother in this is... how shall I put this .... your muze.... the mother of all ideas so to speak. Bad ideas need to go. Good advice.

    In the end your amazing idea turns out to be 'just' an idea.

  3. Your dream masks a suffocating fear that you have of the future.  While things may seem well at the present time, you have a feeling of impending doom that you and your husband will experience together.  It will happen within 1 year and it will leave you & your husband traumatized.

    The third baby indicates that your future will be grotesque, horrifying and will result in death.  The realization that the first baby was a doll indicates that deep down you know what you and your husband have now cannot last.

    My advice is to sell everything you have, pull up your roots and move to the other side of the world.  I'm deadly serious when I say this.  Death will come knocking at your door.  Don't be there to answer it.

  4. Your dream appears to be one born of stress that may be related to an effort to plan or have children to start your family.

    If you and your husband are attempting that and others are aware, you will get lots of 'advice' - much of it quite authoritative.  That can grate on you - and you are often bretter off with a 'thanks' and moving on to the sound advice you can get from medical counselors and your own good sense by reading and becoming educated.  

    Of course even the latter approach of keeping one's own counsel that way can be problematic - it depends on the individual's temperament and ability to handle the situation and information effectively.  We're all different in that regard.

    In any case - such a time is stressful.  It is also natural to have concerns, even elevating to unhealthy worries, about multiple births and problems with children.  We live in a time of high expectation of 'perfection'.  Some portion of mankind has always tended to attach some level of 'sin' to those situations where deformed children are born or other problems occur, even if it is not expressed that way, as if someone is to 'blame'.  The implication, if one is exposed to that draconian thinking, is that the parents, or perhaps mother, is somehow responsible and terrible pressure can come even before birth - and when a perfectly normal child is on the way.  

    Parents who are faced with that mostly deal with it lovingly and ignore the sorry implications.  They do their best, and most handle the pressure well - but there can be moments of doubt or just pressure and that impinges on the mind and imposes things such as you describe.  It typically passes as things progress, especially as mother-to-be learns to deal better with it (while also coping with the multitude of changes going on with hormones, physical body and other physiology and psychology - no one works harder in this world than mothers-expectant or those with child at-hand).  

    Add to all that the burden of the unknown - if one has not borne children yet there are questions and mysteries about the process and what it will be like to deliver what is at first still an aquatic creature who suddenly morphs into an air-breathing little baby - and just how do all those little features come out so perfectly?  Mostly that is the happy case - and may it be so with you if this is where you are in life.

    Look at what goes on about you if you are in some phase of planning, having or raising family now.  Do you have well-intended friends or family who lean a bit too heavily at times with well-meant but worrisome advise - or impose worries on you altogether?  That can drive all kinds of stress and eventually anxiety.  The mind then has to vent - and the ugly imagery inevitably surfaces via the dream.

    Only you really know the real context of all this, but I am led to wonder if you are in such a phase, being married and apparently of child-bearing age.  Even the best of long-standing friends can contribute to this - don't dismiss the possibillity because of the source if that's where it comes from; do kindly thank them and move on by your own good sense.  Find reassurance and confidence from those who are more positive - you don't have to offend anyone in doing so.

    Think these points over - perhaps they can help in your understanding and coping if you are going through some of this.

    All the best of luck to you for a happy and healthy family.

  5. You had, have or will have, I cannot place the time, alot of responsibility.  You were or are a heavily-burdened individual with many responsibilities which have come or will come upon you all of a sudden. There are three major responsibilities you attend to.  One is a source of contentment and bounty for you.  Your undertaking in this first endeavor is fruitful initially and though later your effort in this undertaking, whether it be work, study, will not longer prove beneficial as it was initially but will simply continue because you find this burden you have undertaken endearing more than beneficial.  Your second responsibility involves your husband.  You undertake a great deal more than he.  You feel your obligation to him as well a burden, some responsibility you must manage. The state you've seen him in in the dream tells me that there is some deformity in the person of your husband.  This is according to your dream.  There is some incompletion about him, something lacking, not fully-developed.  Perhaps that's why you bear the burden more. You may have tried or soon will try to take upon yourself another endeavour, requiring more work and more of your energy, however, through the assistance of your kin, your burden will be alleviated.  You will be relieved from some great burden requiring much of your energy.  That's as close as I can come.  More power to you.


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