
Dream about fears or future??!?

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last night i had a dream , it is too detailed and complicated to tell the entire thing, but here are the essential details:

I was with a guy that i recognized to be my boyfriend in the dream, we were in his family's house. His oldest sister was to be married in a few weeks so there were a ton of people in the house taking care of wedding stuff, though there wasnt anything related to weddings in the house at all. Throughout the dream the guy and I are holding hands while we are walking. I remember that i was trying to get to be with him alone, but there were always people around. at this point it looks like we are in a restaurant but we are still in the house. Eventually we were somewhat alone, and the subject of s*x came about, though neither of us had said it, and he said "we can do that", and i said, "well no, not now" and before i could say "because your entire family is around" we were walking again to the family where his parents were. .......




  1. Your parents are watching over you, even when they are not around.

    However, the solution to this fear is within you. You have to dismiss your parents-to get them out of your unconscious mind.

  2. Look to your goals and never look back!

  3. From what you shared, this appears to just be a normal teenage, young adult dream, sorting through the things you think about at this age... marriage, s*x, the future.

    You're really saying to yourself, "I'm old enough to want these things, but it's not time yet."

    Pray for wisdom and patience!

    God bless you,


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