
Dream about friend?

by  |  earlier

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Before i say anything, ive never really 'confided' in dream interpretation, but the dream below is recurring and im curious to see what this interpretation is like.

Ok, I keep having these dreams ,all different, except for one fact, i've had about 7 dreams over the last month and a half and in every one of them I'm talking to my sick friend (she's in hospital with cancer) in each dream im in a different situation, on the bus, on the beach etc, but im always talking to her. About the same time i started having these dreams i found out that she has been cured and will only be in hospital for another few months under observation and a bit more chemo to make sure the cancers gone for good, since then i haven't worried about her at all cause shes better. But thats when these dreams started. Why?




  1. u just say it.. you were worried about her. thats why you were dreaming about her all the time.

  2. It is your mind's way of showing things you will now be able to do with her that you thought were all gone.  For instance, now you can go to the beach, and still have her to talk to the next day at work or wherever, and see her the next day on the bus, etc.  You are realizing you arent losing her.

  3. It's possible that your dreams represent new possibilities for reestablishing connection with her since the theme here is talking with her in all sorts of places.   Your unconscious may be working through the idea that she is not going to die and be lost to you forever.
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