Last night I had a dream that I lost 4 of my teeth. They didn't just fall out, I pulled them out. (Like when a little kid has loose teeth... they were loose, and I just took them out of my mouth.) I lost two on the top, and two on the bottom, and they were across from each other. With the bottom right tooth (they were all molars) first I pulled the crown of it out, and then later I pulled out the root. Towards the end of the dream, I discovered that my two front teeth on the bottom were loose.
In real life, I am missing some of my adult teeth, but (all but one of) the baby teeth for these were pulled before I got braces, so you can't tell. I have one hole in my mouth from where I lost that one that they forgot to pull.
Does anyone know what this dream could mean? I had it two nights in a row.