
Dream about my ex?

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The other night I had a dream about running into my ex-boyfriend. We haven't spoken for nearly a year, as we decided it would be fairer on our new partners not to. But I really miss him, and dreams like this don't help!!

I dreamt that we bumped into each other in town, and we were really happy to see each other and we ended up together all happy ever after with kids!

I love my current boyfriend so why am I dreaming that?!




  1. Its just because its been left open as it were. The reason you decided not to see each other was because of your new partners. That leaves  unresolved issues hanging around. the subconcious throws these around bringing up various scenarios. I suspect even though you say you love your current boyfriend it may not be love in the settling down for ever sense and deep down you know it.

  2. It is just your sub-concsious don;t worry about it does not mean anything.

  3. You have no control over your dreams so don't be too hard on yourself. If you're truly happy with your new partner then this should not cause you any concern.

  4. honestly the same thing happens to me and i have no idea.

    im guessing you brain is just acting on experiances and you will never know how your life could have turned out completely different with another man.

    if you feel as happy and as complete as you ever will then you are making the right choice

  5. It is just sweet memories you still have about him. They turn up in your dreams.

    The happy ever after and children are probably what you desire, but with this current boyfriend.

    It can get all mixed up in dreams.

  6. Your dream according to psychology means  that you are comparing your present boyfriend with your ex, and in your mind your ex boyfriend is far better than your present or currant boyfriend, and it also shows that your secret desire is to have children from your ex, This means that your ex boyfriend is still in your mind and can not forget him ever it could be he was the first person who deflowered you

  7. Its just your subconcious remembering things from your past.  Even though we are asleep, our brains are still working hard and in ways that we don't even realize.  I have dreams like that all the time.  Sometimes its because we were thinking about them too and we see it in our dreams.  Now, if the dreams are recurring, thats different.  It might mean that you miss him or there is a part of you that is longing for an aspect of that.  Or that you might want to contact him.  Dreams are very very strange ways of telling us things sometimes.

  8. no

  9. Maybe you are living in the past..? Try calling him and catching up or meeting up somewhere to say goodbye for good.

  10. It could mean you are gonna bump into him pretty soon. I had a dream like that once and I had not talked to my ex in two years then out of no where I had a dream about him and then two days later i ran into him at the store!

  11. You probably have been thinking about him a lot, so your brain is sorting out information about him. You may also wish that you were with him, so dreaming it helps...

  12. Were there fluffy pink elephants juggling balls on unicycles in your dream too?

  13. Go back to your Ex. dump the current loser... it's not love it's just infatuation

  14. If you ever truly love somebody then part of them stays with you forever. I would not place to much into this dream. I just think that you are wondering if the grass would be greener. If you love your current partner then stay with your current partner. If you are unsure of whether or not you love your partner then maybe try building a new relationship. My biggest piece of advice is don't try building two relationships at once to see which yields better results for you...that is emotionally crippling to all parties involved

  15. maybe cuz you think of your ex before you go to sleep or you just think of can even be because you miss him..the same thing is happenin to me right now :(

  16. Having dreams about old flames is very normal. Could it be that some personality that he had you miss that you do not see in your current boyfriend even though you love your current bou?

    Beside unless the reasons for breakup were something drastic there will always be a part of you that will love and care for him even though you do not realize it. The dreams come from what is in the wayyyy back of your brain.

  17. Probably a minor fear of commitment. Its natural to have doubts that you made the wrong decision - the dreams are just a manifestation of your doubts. Not a big deal.

    Who's funnier?

  18. To dream about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or that you and your ex got back together again, suggests that something or someone in your current life that is bringing out similar feelings you felt during the relationship with your ex. The dream may be a way of alerting you to the same or similar behavior in a current relationship. What you learn from that previous relationship may need to be applied to the present one so that you do no repeat the same mistake. Alternatively, past lovers often highlight the positive experiences you had with that person.�It could also signify aspects of yourself that you have x'd out or neglected.

    To see your mate's ex in your dream, suggests that you may be comparing yourself to the ex. The dream is trying to tell you not to make the same relationship mistakes that ended that relationship.�

    To dream that you are making out with your ex, signifies your acceptance of certain characteristics of your ex. The dream does not necessarily mean that you want to get back together with him or her. Consider what were the things you liked and disliked about him. These are the same qualities that you are finally acknowledging within your own self.

    To dream that you ex� has died, indicates that your feelings for you ex are completely dead now. The dream is a metaphor of how you have let go of the past and are ready to move on and fully devote yourself to new relatonships.

    Ex Boyfriend

    To see an old ex-boyfriend from childhood in your dream, refers to a freer, less encumbered relationship. The dream servers to bring you back to a time where the responsibilities of adulthood (or marriage) didn't interfere with the spontaneity of romance. You need to recapture the excitement, freedom, and vitality of youth that is lacking in your present relationship.

    To dream that your ex-boyfriend is giving you advice about your current relationship, suggests that you unconscious is telling you not to repeat the same mistakes that you had made with this ex-boyfriend.�

    To dream that you are being massaged by your ex-boyfriend, suggests that you need to let go of some of that defensiveness that you have been putting forth. You may have been putting up a wall or armor around you. You need to learn to trust people again.

    To dream that you ex-boyfriend gives you a stuffed animal, suggests that you are seeking for reassuring and nurturing aspects of a relationship. This is not to imply that you want you ex-boyfriend back. Alternatively, the dream could represent some immature relationship which may (or may not) describe the relationship you had with your ex.

    Hope this helps.

  19. Hopefully it's because you are starting to care for your new bf as much as or more than you did your ex and these dreams are of your future with him....If not you need to move on because if your bf was having those kind of unavoidable dreams you would flip,right?Make sure their not wishful dreams....Don't hurt what you got over something you had.......Blessings Yahoo

  20. You can't really control the dreams you have...

    If you love your current boyfriend, brush off the dreams and don't worry about it.

  21. Maybe a little unfinished business?

  22. I have dreams about my ex. But my dreams i am always searching for him and i cant find him. My ex was my rock, and every-time i had a crisis he was their, I guess in my dream i am searching for him, because he know me more than any other person.
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