
Dream about my old house?

by  |  earlier

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I've lived where I do now for about 9 years (i'm 14 so that's all of my school life) but before I moved here I lived in a house in a nearby town. I had a dream about it the other night. I was like near it and then I really wanted to go to it but the people I were with wouldn't let me. But somehow I got away from them and revisited the house. I hadn't thought about that house in a really long time, and my family and I only lived there for like half a year. But when I woke up, I had the sudden urge to look up pictures of the house. I found some, remembered being very little and living in the house, and found myself crying. Where did all this come from? thanks!




  1. did you ever forget something or maybe left something behind at that old house? normally when you have dreams where you re-visit places, it is becuase you have some level of emotional atachment to that place. even if it was only for half a year, do you remember anything significant that happened in that house or in the neighbour hood during that time that might've affected you? if so, thats probably why your having this dream about the house and the fact that you started crying when you saw the pictures sugggests to me that you might've had something bad happen to you in that place.

    in the mean time, try get hold of the current tennants of that house and speek to them about re-visiting?

    hope that helps

  2. u wont to go bck there u miss it and long for it maybe something great happened to u there and ur tryin to remember it and u forever attached to that house cause of that event

  3. ur memories from that house are surfaceing ur crying because you miss that house and ur childhood ur birth place

    the great dream interpreter ricesoul

  4. i think u are sub consciously attached to that house. i would be nice to visit it for a while, it wouldn't hurt, no?

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