
Dream about oddly colored kittens

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I dreamed that a pale-colored Siamese cat had a litter of kittens. The kittens were still very young, just barely starting to weakly move about. I was so excited about them! Some were odd colors. I had two royal blue kittens, four turquoise kittens, two pale blue kittens, some greys and whites. All kittens were in solid colors, no spots or stripes.

Does this dream suggest anything to anyone?





    I DREAMED that my dog bit Cathy's butt and then she died

    but dude guess what she is still alive and mean and bossy

    it was just a dream!

  2. I have a list of dream dictionary sites I googled for you in case you're interested ... ^_^ They have like some meanings to different things you dream about, from A-Z. I'm sure you can find stuff on kittens there. Good luck!

  3. i can kinda relate i guess, my sister loves pigs and once had a dream we got 4 big pigs but the odditity was that they were sky blue, hot pink, bright yellow, and regular pink. and i have always wondered "What the heck??!"

  4. wow.  i would think that the blues represent increased  healing and health.  but, another thought came to mind when i reread your question, maybe you should see if there are any horses running today with names like pale blue kitty or royal blue, or turquoise kitten.  if so, go to the otb and maybe you will win!

  5. Lay off the caffeine  

  6. hope it helped.

    theres another dream dictionary just in case you need more...

    --good luck

  7. that wasn't a dream that was an acid trip

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