
Dream about stepfather?

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I was in a very big, dark building that had very tall ceilings. I never saw the outside. I was there because I had to take my Stepfather there. He died several months ago.

All I knew was that I had to take him there to die, I think. I got to tell him things I would have in real life(and been wanting to), such as "I love you" and "I'm glad that you came along when we needed you" I forgot what he replied with but he was happy and we hugged. Then he had to go. He just disappeared into the building.

Next, some guy was coming and he wanted us to leave. I never saw him. Only knew his name(which was something simple but I forgot) and only knew that he wanted me to go home.

Any ideas as to what this means?




  1. It sounds to  me like maybe your starting the process of closure.  Perhaps this was a way of saying your final goodbyes to your stepfather.  Sometimes we need dreams like that to say goodbye to our loved ones so we can move on.

  2. 1.the dream could be like his ghost talking to you. might have had the dream because you miss him and it was on your mind.

  3. You were kind to accompany your stepfather in his change of life from this one to the next one.  You are regretting the things you didn't say.  I submit that he already knew and was happy to move on with no strings binding him to this life.  Once you settled your issue with your stepfather you were sent on your way.  You have forgiven yourself and should now look forward to living your life in honor of the man who raised you.

    You may have picked up on somethings that your bother is doing and your mind has put it in (black and white) for you.  If you could read the paper you may have been already waking from the dream.  It is unusual to be able to read writing in dreams.

  4. It means that you miss him.  Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of my Dad passing away from a heart attack. I did not really even think about it much during the day (maybe two or three times), but last night i had a pretty in detail dream about being with my Dad. Today i have been thinking about him a lot.

    I am sorry for your loss. Time will make things better.

  5. Again, I'll explain this to you. Sleep is akin to death.  The spirit leaves the body during sleep.  Those whose bodies have already left, those in spirit are able to meet those still living.  Therefore, that's why many people see and speak to the dead with ease in sleep.  Whatever the dead say is true as they live in the world of truth.  He says he's happy so that means he is at peace.  This is actually a request to the living to stop mourning and grieving over him as this causes the dead to suffer.  The state you see the dead in the dream is the state they are actually in,in the grave.  Your step-father seems content and wants the mourning to stop.  He also must have know your yearn to speak things unsaid thus giving you an opportunity to rest your spirit.  Pray for the man and cease the crying.


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