
Dream about talking to dead Mom?

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The past few years I have had a couple dreams where I have talked to my Mom about things bothering me in my life. I have a feeling I have had more of these dreams, but I only remember 2 of them: In the first one I hugged her and said sorry for being mean to her while she was alive and I miss her and she said It was Ok and we talked. I told her I was in love with someone and should I tell him and she said yes, and that he loved me also. Well, I did tell this person (this was 3 years ago), right before he left to go to school in another country. He didn't say it back but I could tell he was upset and wanted to say it back. Ended up, he came back a month later and told me he was falling in love with me. Took us another 2 years (there were problems, and I was on/off with an ex), but we are together now. In the second dream, I was so happy to see her and we hugged and she was smiling at me. I remember saying to myself, "Your dreaming. Don't wake up. please don't wake up", but then I heard a




  1. my mom passed away too, and sometimes i dream about her. its not frequent and i cant point out a pattern....she'll just kind of creep up in my dreams when i least expect it.

    you know, moms and daughters have this weird connection...and most of the time you don't realize it until it's too late. for example, my mother passed away when i was 7, we were close but looking back i cant say i knew her all that well. but as years go by, i look at yearbooks and pictures and home videos...i look more and more like her, i talk like her, i act like her, we even have similar interests. its funny how that works, dads are definitely not the same way with daughters.

    so i guess what im saying is that even if she isnt with you right now, she's always there. and maybe deep down you took something from her or learned some lessons while she was still here and now its just all coming back to your dreams. its a bit hard to explain but we seem to be in the same boat, so maybe you catch my drift.

    i would highly reccomend watching the movie stepmom, susan sarandon does an excellent job of explaining it :]

    well i hope this kind of helped...might just be a bunch of rambling but whatevs best of luck to you :]

  2. What is at all important is that your soul is continuing it's work and your life is presenting you with realities and situations which are eliciting difficult choices.  You have been given a great gift through the pain of your mother's passing.  Your connection with her will go on and on.  I told my mother on her death bed that we would always be together and we have.

  3. my parents arnt dead but i have dreams of my grandparents and i heard it means theyre trying to get in touch wit u or to tell u something

  4. well u cant change things in the past, and i think you visit each other when your stresseed because she wants to help u and guide you in the write direction..She obviously didnt want to leave you so she is doing the best she can to be there for you. It is her if you believe it is her. Im only 13....but i relize what you mean...i have dreams too and i figured them out on my own. Long story short she wants to make things in your life go smoothly....perhaps her life might have been stressful and she doesnt want yours to be..i say listen to her, after all she is still your mother

  5. I am a Roman Catholic, and I beleive that really was your mom, and when you were depressed God made a dream where you were talking to her. Just remember, "There's always light at the end of the dark path", meaning there's hard times in life ( dark path ) but you'll always feel better, because God always listens.

    God Bless you and your mom, and may God watch over you and Mom.

  6. Well, both my parents are alive, but it is normal. I have a friend whos mother died when she was really young. And when ever she goes through a hard time she dreams about her.  In a way it is a cooping mechanism, like when you said you were sorry and she forgave you. That might have been your brains way to accept the fact thats she gone and you can live your life. Telling her about this guy was your way of analyzing the situation you were in, so you could make a good decision, which it sounds like you did. I assure you other people do do it too. You know the song "let it be" by the beatles, Paul Mcartney was going through a stressful time when it came to write that album, then he had a dream about his mother, who had died off cancer years  before and he talked to her, and it gave him inspiration to write that song.

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