
Dream about the afterlife??

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well, a while back i dreamt about the afterlife. in the dream i had a choice between living or dying, and i chose to die. so i'm in the afterlife, and it turns out it's this ginormous spherical room with like a billion windows carved in the dingy, yellow-tan, mud-brick walls. the windows were glassless and there was this thin, sort of transparent, cloth veil hanging in the window. and everyone in the room was looking through the veil and seeing the life they left behind. it was sort of depressing.

so i was wondering what that could possibly mean, and what it means in my real life.




  1. A dream is just what your thinking subconsciously. there would be no way for your subconscious mind to know the future or know anything about death because no one knows what happens when you die. your dream might represent what you think happens when you die. i wouldn't worry about it too much.

  2. yellow tan, mud-brick walls = feeling restricted

    transparent windows = unclear, emptiness

    After life image is basically from your life time experience.  No one knows what after life is, or what it looks like.  However, in your subconscious mind, you plot  image of yellow-tan, mud-brick walls and glassless windows.  Those are the symbol of emptiness.  

    You feel depressing in the dream, and that reflects how you feel in day time.  You probably answered your own question in the beginning.  Choosing death instead of life symbolize some disappointment, failure or defeat you have experienced in your life.  Subconsciously you wanted to find something different after life. However, you may seem to find what you are looking for because deep down you still feel helpless and things you saw really reflect emptiness of yours and you vent out all your feelings in this dream.

  3. You need to harness your life with faith.  Give thanks for your blessings.  Remember God often, actually beseech him with all you've got and adorn yourself with good deeds, intentions and thoughts so that when the day comes, you'll never see such a depressing, bland, veritably regrettable stance as bemoaning the life that had been led.  You could very well stand, proudly and pleased with yourself in a much more beautiful place.  Keep the faith and give thanks.  Remember a funeral shroud has no pockets, all you take are your intentions, words and deed.  Let them make you proud.


  4. Some dreams are really just random sorting of past conscious wonderments in our lives - this may be one.

    This one seems to be one of curiosity - whether darkly so or just superficial is something you would need to sort out for yourself.

    This may be the case because while the notion of an after-life is fairly profound, you do not cite any preceeding thoughts about destiny or eternity that would be on your mind.  Had such things been consciously on your mind and recalled you'd also likely already have your answer without asking.  

    But if it is a dark kind of thinking that got you there, the recall of that may be poor - or you may not wish to reveal it.  I must say that depression is a concern when I read of such dreams - I am uncomfortable with the 'choice' you made early in theh dream.  Please read on.

    Dealing with what might lie ahead in an afterlife can be the stuff of spiritual wonderment and discussion very often.  Do you engage in that sort of speculation, or are you exposed to religious teachings of some sort that have left you pondering such things?

    It could also have stemmed from normal musings about what happens to us should something take us out of this world.  Of course something will do so 'when our time comes', but it can get on the mind.  A bit is OK - too much is not a good sign.  But this is especially so when one has some sort of close call, or experiences the loss of a loved one.  And again, it can also come from dark broodings - something you need to be careful of - more on that in a moment.

    Without more context, what may be more important to understanding your dream is the view of this other-worldly place of after-life: rather forelorn - and the message that it's not for you.  That could be rooted in some deeply buried feeling of finding notions of 'heaven' and such as wanting - dismal, compared to the worldly existence we have.  Many passages of scripture for instance make some euphoric - the idea of being in the presence of our Maker and wearing robes, etc.  But we have no real physical descriptions of it, per se - only that which is largely metaphorical.  

    What some scripture says we do there could even be considered very repetitive and boring compared to the colorful existence many know in this world.  Of course we may be the dry essence of it and not the full view, if one believes in it (that's up to the individual, of course).  And, if one's view of the world is darker, one may come to such a dream - I hope that is not the case, it's dangerously irrational.

    Again, your description does seem to reveal something here - that to go on from this world to the next may not be such a hot deal.  This may be healthy - a very needed message right now.  Again, read on, more in a moment.

    Plainly enough your mind has portrayed a mean sort of place, not one that beckons to you apparently.  Is it because great faith requires a willingness to abandon worldly things, and therefore notions of the afterlife become dull and unadorned?  Is it a message that this is not for you, not now?

    That you faced this awful choice - and chose to die indicates a semi-conscious curiosity.  It is one I do not like, to be honest - and I must finally say one thing and then I will move on so as to not seem overly reactive or worrisome - if in any way this is related to true, conscious thoughts of death, get help.  Don't fool around - nothing beyond us in this world is worth that - it doesn't fit and the tomorrows before us can be far brighter than we sometimes think.  That's serious.  More than enough said, OK?  

    You have now 'been there' and discovered that there is much to live for.  Whatever it may really be like in that place, if you do happen to believe in it, we have much to enjoy and appreciate here, no matter how dark it seems at times.  And as we feel for those we have lost, so might they feel for themselves for all we know excepting faith that we might have.

    Perhaps you are facing or contemplating major belief choices - if nothing else fits then consider that.  It could be that your mind surfaced this dream out of a bit of wonder about those gone from you in the past and the vision is dreary because the event was sad.  

    But if this is of a darker thing in you, then you could see it as an extension of the suffering you feel and wish others could realize - that there is no relief; not far from that is a vision of something justifiably dreary if we do make that awful choice you described.  That's just too dark - surely it is not so in that sense but only in that you were mentally exploring in the dream.  I truly hope that is so, but heed the concern above if otherwise - you are a beloved human being in this world that others don't wish to think of as sadly looking out of gauzy windows.

    In the end analysis you may find it simply means 'enjoy the now to the greatest extent possible and be glad'.  It's not a time to be looking out through gauzy veils at things lost and feeling remorse.  And we can hold out hope that any post-life reward would be rich for a life well lived and loved as best we can.

    You'll have to decide - you hold the key, these are just ideas.  But your dream suggests some expansiveness, hence mine to you.  I hope it may help.  And do not fool around if this is of a dark notion, get the help - immediately.  If I had more positive context I wouldn't keep stumbling over this point, but it's crucial.

    All the best to you for a long future of being glad for this world and wondering what another would be like.  I'm glad you're here and thanks for an interesting question.

    Sweet dreams.

  5. It appears you feel small in a very big and scary world so you choose death as a release from the burdens life present.  the billions of windows carved in brick walls reminds me of the idiom "carved in stone"  Maybe you feel your life is hard (mud-brick), depressing (dingy), and fearful (yellow-tan)

    The glassless windows speak of no hope or not seeing into the future.  The thin transparent cloth hanging could represent how you feel about yourself.  Do you feel people can see through you and know your depressed at times?  Maybe you feel people leave you hanging with no answers on how to deal with life?  Or your trying to cover up the truth of how you feel about your life, but it's transparent.

    Life is full of uncertainty and it can get real scary, but with moral support you can get through this trying time.  Even if you don't have moral support in your life, there are a lot of support groups in Yahoo to help you.

    I hope you reach out for help soon!

  6. it seems to me that you have some issues to resolve with or to tell someone the truth concerning someone close to you .

    the decision you had to make to either live or die, means that you have to make up your mind if to resolve the problem or not or if it is that you must tell someone the truth or not.

    the fact that you see the afterlife as one huge room with a billion windows,(with transparent veils), shows you how trivial the real problem is or how simple it is to solve. the dingy, yellow-tan,mud-brick walls could mean that the thing that needs resoving may concern a sensitive,"dirty" subject.

  7. in my opinion, it's a choice that you'll have to make in your life and this choice will determine your destiny in the after life.

    What are your religious values/beliefs? What were you thinking of in the past few days prior to your dream?

    I may be able to help

  8. Sounds like a challenge coming up for you. Lets face it you were pretty brave to choose death considering you weren't being harmed in any way! The chalenge will probably be an opportunity for you to have a big change in your life. The challenge will be are you ready to move on, leave the familiar behind? Remember nothing risked, nothing gained.

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