
Dream about two snakes. Can someone help me interpret it?

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I had a dream of a huge snake reminiscent to that of a basilisk (if you have watched harry potter - a large snake bigger than an anaconda). There was another snake, just not as big, they were both green-ish. The "basilisk" one was the most green. Anyways they wanted to bit me, and almost did, but never, the smaller one I knocked out and when the bigger one came I woke it up because my instinct told me it would attack the bigger snake - anyway when I woke it up, it bit the big snake, but the big snake bit it back. The big snake's venom seem to have traveled faster because the small snake died, but the big snake was affected and when it try to come after me, it fell flat on the ground, it died just like that.




  1. How old are you? I think that maybe you have two rather troublesome problems that you're dealing with now, -- possibly the SMALLER problem (represented by the smaller snake) being whether or not you should confess to some adult person about a second problem you had of guilt concerning something you had done or not done; and the LARGER problem (represented by the BIG snake) being your self-condemnation over what you had done or not done.

    To me, the two snakes attacking EACH OTHER first, represented for you that you would find that the smaller problem of confessing your mistake to whomever you felt you might have disappointed or even hurt, would prove to be no problem at all if you just DID IT! -- that, deep down, you knew that your confessor would be understanding.

  2. Hi!

    snakes indicated enemies,so what the snake do actually some of enemies are going to do.

    Pray from God and give some Charity

  3. It's probably similar to bullies. There's a leader and his smaller gang trying to beat you up. You make the smaller one lose conscious, which probably means that it will side up with you, especially if you feel you trust it and it bites the bigger snake. But it dies, which probably means it gave the bigger one his own medicine, cunningness and it was punished, therefore failed. But if the big snake died as well, it will probably lose power, because his gang sided up with you and he's the only one left. So maybe it shows that if someone is bullying you, don't make it make you feel unhappy, fight them and usually, good wins over evil.

  4. sounds like the nwo

    new world order , theyre all around u s

    u must of seen the all seeing eye of horus

    theyr coming for us , u must not let them get u.

  5. Look up "serpents (symbolism)" in Wikipedia - there's a huge page of references  in mythology and proto-religions that hold snakes in high regard and influence. Also see Joseph Campbell's "Masks of God", chap. 1: there's 'way too much to quote here, but it's safe to assume you have reached an archetypal level in symbolism- check it out as far as you wish to go, you'll find there's much to discover.

    BTW, keep a written record with dates in case you are gifted with more of these *visions*.

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