
Dream commands and death in a dream?

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in the dream i wake up and the phone is ringing i pick it up and its my dad asking to call him this happens 5 or 6 times every time he tells me a different why on the last time a pale blue boy about 8-10 with black hair and red eyes he tells me to get out of bed i go back to sleep and tell him to go away then he kills me and its extremely painful but the dream still go's on then my dad wakes me up and tells me to call him and i tell him "when i'm ready" then the dream ends but i remember as if it was real so i get up and without thinking i call my dads cell and he answers and it turned out that he was home. what does this mean

also in my dreams its always a pale blue boy with black hair and red eyes or a bloody clown with sharp teeth or a girl with black hair and eyes with a broken neck and only does this predator like sound only she moves here head very violently when she does it and it sounds like bones cracking. what does this mean.




  1. Dying in your dream simply means you'll live a long life.  Now how you live it is a different story.  Seems you've got demons inviting themselves, more like party crashing your dreams.  Back to the how to live it.  You need to remember God and the blessings you have more often to keep these demons at bay.


  2. I believe the pale blue boy with red eyes represent your "inner child"... blue = sad, red eyes = tears, and the age represents a time in your life when you went through something that hurt you very much that you have not gotten over.  The pain of this is "killing you".  This part of you MUST be reclaimed and healed before you can progress in life, be whole and have joy.

    Your Father wants you to call on Him so He can heal your wounded inner child.  But you say, "When I'm ready."  

    Ok... the bloody clown with sharp teeth represents someone with a cruel sense of humor who has hurt you with their sarcasm or jokes or mean tricks or jokes.  Does the clown kill you?  Someone's cruel humor has wounded you so much it makes you feel dead inside, or is so painful it is "killing" you emotionally.  Your Father wants you to call Him so He can rescue and heal you from the clown.  But you say, "When I'm ready."

    The girl with the black hair and eyes... this represents your emotions (which you consider to be "weak and girly), and how you have "broken your neck"... disconnected your intellect from your emotions (see how you have separated head from heart?)  You try not to feel.  But your emotions "prey" on you because they cannot just go away.  In the Bible, broken bones are a symbol of grief.  Your Father says, "Call me!" so He can heal your brokenness and get your heart and head connected again.  But you say, "When I am ready."

    How long will you suffer without calling to Him?

    Do you recognize your DAD yet?  He is God, your Heavenly Father.  There are some things in your life that ONLY He can handle.  He has called you many times, and you tell Him, "When I am ready, God.  When I am ready, I will call on you."  Call on Him to help you NOW.  He will.  He's telling you to call on Him NOW.  You cannot expect Him to wait forever.  PLUS, you are missing out on SO much that He wants to give you NOW.  Don't continue walking around dead inside, hurt, bleeding wounded like a rattling collection of bones.  Call your DAD!  Let HIM heal you.

    I pray you will CALL HIM.   NOW

    God bless you.

    Added thoughts:  Since the blue boy is you, and the broken girl is you, the clown may also be you.  Do you use sarcasm and biting humor to interact with others (or even against yourself)?  It could be a way you've developed to cover your hurt and feel less vulnerable.  But, it's only hurting you.  It's not the real you.  A clown can be funny, but not with those teeth!  Be gentle.)  You've got to let God heal each part of you, and balance these aspects of you (the child, your emotions, your humor, etc.) for you to be whole and have joy and grow stronger and more mature to handle life without breaking.

  3. What kinda movies have you been watching?

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