
Dream fight. Gene Tunney vs Rocky Marciano. Who wins?

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15 rounds at heavyweight in their prime.



Wgt: 192 lbs

Total bouts: 83

Won: 61

Lost: 1

Draws: 1

Ko's: 45

Times Ko'ed: 0 times


Hgt: 5'11"

Wgt: 190

Total bouts: 49

Wins: 49

Losses: 0

Draws: 0

Ko's: 43

Times Ko'ed: 0 times




  1. This is a great question.  I love this fight.  You have a pure boxer who can punch a little against the quintessential slugger who can take a lot of punishment.  Immediately two fights come to mind.  Marciano-Walcott and Dempsey-Tunney.    

    Though he's a bit underrated, Walcott is a bit more rugged than Tunney.  He punches a little harder than Tunney and he's also nearly as nimble on his feet.  Dempsey MIGHT be a sharper puncher than Marciano but Rocky has more raw power.  Fighting under the same rules its anyone's guess as to who would have more KOs.  Marciano takes a better punch than Dempsey.  Dempsey has slightly better footwork though neither relied much on footwork other than as a preditor.  

    In Tunney vs Marciano you have Tunney vs a little more Dempsey and Marciano vs a little less Walcott.  Although Tunney rightfully ranks higher than Walcott he cant do any more to Marciano than Walcott did.  Styles make fights.  Tunney might be able to outrun and decision Walcott but I dont see him dropping Ezzard Charles the way Walcott did.  I also dont see Prime Marciano doing any less than Old Dempsey did with Tunney.  He might not have any better success tracking Tunney down then did Old Dempsey.   One thing to point out,  Tunney might just have had a shot against even Prime Dempsey.  

    Tunney is a very careful fighter.  No one ever talks about Tunney vs Louis but just imagine what could have happened here.  Tunney is just as fast as Conn and a bit smarter.  However, this caution could also work against him.

    In Rounds 1-6 Tunney would carefully outbox Marciano, possibly winning all 6 rounds.  He would hit Rocky as often as Walcott did.  The only reason he wouldn't hit him more often is because he would be doing a lot more moving than Walcott did.  

    Rocky would never give up and he wouldn't become aggrivated or unraveled like Tyson would.  Rocky, though losing all 6 rounds would still inflict some degree of damage.  Run as he will, there is another thing to consider here.  

    Tunney ran from the reputation of Dempsey as much as he did the man himself.   He didnt run in fear.  He ran because he was occupied with what Dempsey could do to him.  He would not have the same concern or level of respect for Marciano.  This might cost him.

    In round 7 Marciano finally lands flush on Tunney.   Trapping Tunney against the ropes for just a moment,  Rocky lands two hooks to the body.  Tunney moves to escape but never sees the right that lands on his chin and puts him on the canvas.  Marciano has a cut above the left eye.  Tunney is up and on his bicycle.  Marciano manages to rush him to the ropes once again before the bell ends the round.

    In rounds 8-9 Tunney spends most of the time on his toes.  He's beginning to slow down a bit.  Marciano is a little less desparate than Dempsey was.  He realizes there are still plenty of rounds to go.  He loses the 8th and 9th but not his will.  The ref warns Tunney to step it up and fight more.  

    Between rounds Rocky is told to stay in a low crouch.  Tunney can run but he has to stop long enough to punch.  Its a little more difficult when the target is so low.  

    In round 11 Tunney lands a double jab on the top of the head of Marciano.  Rocky answers with a looping left to the head.  Tunney is hurt and looks to side step, not realizing how close he is to the ropes.  Rocky traps Gene and lands a few body shots and a right to the head.  Tunney staggers backwards and is saved by the bell.  

    Round 12:  Tunney begins the round on his toes again.  Rocky stalks him taking less caution and throwing anytime he gets within striking range.  He lands a few to the body and arms.  Tunney has slowed a bit.  Catching Gene against the ropes Rocky lands  a series of body and head shots.  Tunney bravely fights his way off the ropes and dances back to ring center.  Rocky is in persuit.

    Rocky is having a bit more success cutting off the ring.  Tunney lands a 3 punch combination and darts away.  He shoots in to repeat the performance but is cought by a left hook to the head.  Shaken a bit, Tunney backs off and Rocky follows.  Feeling his back against the ropes Tunney attempts to move but is caught flush on the chin with a left hook.   A right to the chin catches him on the way down.  

    The referee counts him out

    Marciano by KO in 12

  2. Tunney vs. Marciano for WBC Heavyweight title

    First Round:

    Judge 1:10-9 for Tunney

    Judge 2:10-9 for Tunney

    Judge 3:10-9 for Tunney

    Second Round:Marciano KO Tunney

    Result:Marciano wins via 2nd round KO.

  3. What happened to Walcott won't happen to Tunney.  Gene survived Demspey, he'd have no prob surviving Marciano.  Tunney wins an easy decision.

  4. You are missing 20 fights in Tunney's stats.  But, it would be Marciano, hands down.

  5. Rocky Marciano can hit as hard if not harder than Jack Dempsey. This will be like the Tunney vs Dempsey second fight but there will be no "long count" thus Rocky win by mid round TKO.

  6. I like Marciano.  He could beat up guys twice his weight.  And he never loss.

  7. marciano wins

  8. Like Joe Louis said, "you can run, but you can' hide".  Tunney might win a few rounds, maybe win a lot of rounds, but eventually Rock would have got to him.  15 rounds is long enough of Marcaino to break down Tunney.  Tunney got Dempsey at the tail end of Jack's career.  In prime condition heavy hitters beat boxers provided they can boxer a little themselves.  Rock could box a little, and a little is all you need to get to their chin with your heavy shots.  Absolutely perfect style match up between two of the very best.  Great question.

    Marciano by KO.

  9. Marciano wouldn't have had a big problem with Tunney,he'd have weathered any of his fancy dancing and wore Tunney down and I believe would then have kO'D a not so powerful Tunney.interesting how Rockey's KO of Walcott is continuously held against him to validate somehow that Marciano beat only lesser opponents.but all Champions have fought many lesser Mortals,Holmes in particular,i.e Marvis Frazier,Scott Frank,light hevy Mike spinks who beat Holmes,so it's unfair to say Rocky fought only people past their best,Holmes foght many who were NEVER ANY GOOD!!Rocky ko rnd 10!

  10. classic boxer vs slugger,and as high as i rank gene, i would probably rank marciano & dempsey just a tad higher.

    if an over-the-hill dempsey can almost kayo tunney, then a prime marciano will too.......if he can catch him that clean, otherwise the rock on points

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