
Dream i was in the Civil War?

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Well, i have had 2 dreams in which i was fighting in the Civil War, and after each one i wake up with a fever. Does this mean the Civil War dream causes me a fever? or is it just random chance.




  1. This may sound a bit strange to you, but this dream may refer to a past life you lived in which you were a Civil War soldier. If you had gotten wounded and developed an infection, for instance, it could have caused a fever.

        I have not had actual dreams like yours, but from the time I was 12 or thereabouts, I have loved to read military history (fiction and non-fiction), watch war movies, etc. instead of the usual "girl-type" books or movies. I also have loved the history of ancient Japan, the Vikings, and the era of the Crusades (complete with knights, etc). So, to make it tie in, I have always had a fear of fire or drowning and the only thing I can

    think of as the reason is that I must have had a past life as a soldier of some sort who died by/in  fire or drowned.

       There is a story, I guess you'd call it, that says if you have any lines around your wrist similar to those on your palm (like the life-line, etc), then you will have that many more lives. I have 2 lines on my wrists,

    so I will evidently live 2 more times.

        Maybe you should go to a hypnotist who specializes in past life regression and see where it leads you. But, make sure, the hypnotist is not some quack just out for your money. Some psychiatrists can also do this.

  2. like many of us that have a particular love for a time period, we are drawn there for some reason.The civil war era is prominent in my life,has been for over 50 years.The years, and  events I attended  as an re-enactor  were always very familiar, like Id been there before.I still visit battle fields regularly,and surround myself with civil newspapers, books and engravings.Your experiences are real, and you should seek a expert in past lives to aide you in finding out why the dreams are happening.

  3. It sounds like either 1) you were a Civil War Soldier that was wounded in a past life, or 2) You are reliving a scene of what an ancestor went through during the Civil War. In dreams, you can feel, see, smell, touch, and taste just like you do in real life.

  4. Were you on the same side each time?  If so there might be some credence to that theory...

  5. it is highly a random chance  

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