
Dream interpetation please ?

by  |  earlier

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I was in a desert somewhere and i was walking towards a golden city in the distance. When i turned around i saw to horses carrying riders garbed in black clothing and turbans. They began to chase me and i ran towards the golden city and just as i was about to enter the gate that would let me in the city i woke up.




  1. you are finally on your way out of a very tough place in your life but something evil wants to keep you in that rough past. If you look back( Doubt) instead of keep looking forward it will try and snatch you where you once were. You began to run to your hope , prosperity that better place which shows you are determined to reach that place where you know your life will be much richer than what an empty dry dessert can give you. the fact that you woke up before entering in the gate shows you still have some fear and doubt. Dream the dream with you going in the gate to the city thats where you must be.

  2. sound like it could mean alot of thing but the one im going with is u watch to much TV lol but idrk

  3. maybe you are near a great opportunity that you have been forced into...but you might miss it

    so be aware of what's hapening around you

  4. I believe in dreams. they are the unconscious talking to the conscious.

    You were in a hard time in the desert, you saw the forces of evil represented by the men in black. As they began to chase you, you ran to a place of safety and fortitude. You ran home. that's a nice dream because you overcame adversity to reach safety.

  5. HORSES - A horse is your strength, your ability to get back in the saddle when life knocks you down.

    A horse can also be referring to your health ("healthy as a horse").

    BEING CHASED - When someone or some thing is hot on your heels in a dream, it means you are avoiding or ignoring something in waking life. Are you avoiding a confrontation? Are you putting off a responsibility? Is there something from your past you fear might "catch up with you?"

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