
Dream interpreatation, what did it mean?!?

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i had this strange dream last night it may seem a little weird as i only remeber pieces, ok i was at a party and i went off with this guy we walked up an apartment complex stair on one side the down the other, he said he wanted to take care of me and and would give me whatever i wanted, i remeber feeling loved and happy but angry at the same time, he friends came over in a black ute and wear doing a beer bong, i refused to do it which was cool me and the guy walked passed them and were all of a sudden in a sort of asian rainforest with bamboo everywhere, for some reason i got upset ran away and jumped on a large fence that was running through the forest, I was shuffling along the fence with my hands gripped over the edge, the guy returned and told me to get down ad that he'd catch me i screamed no and sontinued to move along the fence when i reached the end an asian man who was about 60 was siting at a cafe table and said shrink the fence so she can drop, the fence shrunk i let go and landed on my feet, i asain man began to walk over towards me, then the phone rang and i woke up, sorry its so long, what could this mean?




  1. sounds like you feel trapped in a relationship. not necessarily a romantic one, maybe a family member or even one of your enemies.

    try here:

  2. I think your dream is telling you to mail me whatever you were smoking.

    I'm just kidding. I would say your dream means you're looking or yearning for someone to care for you (a boy friend). Someone who is there for you and doesn't get mad when you make a bad decision. You want someone who is there when you fall, even if you don't want to fall, you just want someone there.

    Now the asian man, I'm not sure. Maybe too many kong-fu movies?

  3. I think you think it means something because it was strange and you remember it so well.  But reality my sense is that is has no real meaning to you at all and is just a dream.

    If I were to sense something it would be that you appear to have anger issues with men for some reason or other.  And thus your reluctance to let go and really have a good relationship with men.  Some appear to want to be helpful to you.  But I think you don't want them to take advantage of you.  I would say don't let a past bad relationship with one guy make you distrust all of them.  

    I think this is normal. And I think this is all this dream means.  Just be yourself and you can tell in time which guys will be truly helpful to you or not.  Normally you can tell just by how they treat their female friends.  And it's best not to start a relationship as friends first.  You don't need to commit yourself to one guy and that's it.  Friends don't do that to friends.  

    That's what I think this dream means.  

  4. wow IDK


  6. Dreams are an extension of your mind, your thoughts, your being. Although I can tell you some general points of being I believe the true purpose and the ability to understand a dream comes from linking it to you own life. From similarity to parallels that appear in you life, that is where a dream has purpose.

  7. Fence : is Boundaries,barrier;obstacles; religious traditions; doctrines, inhibitions

    Forest: Foreboding:fearful place confusion;without direction

    Tree : Person, covering, leader ,shelter, false worship evil influence

    Feet: heart,walk, thoughts meditiation, stubborn ,rebellion when kicking

    Old man: Wisdom  

  8. Nothing, it's just your brain on break.  

  9. i dont kno.

    stop interpreting everything.

    i tried that.

    and got my heart broken in the process.

    answer my question -->;...

    dont want to sound harsh.

    dont take these dreams seriously.

    unless. .this happens.

    then you'll have weird supernatural powers

  10. Stop eating Chinese food too much.

  11. Asians always save the day.

    That's the moral of the story lol.

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