
Dream interpretation, jack in the box?

by Guest67076  |  earlier

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I dream of a jack in the box and it was a clown. In the dream I was sleeping and I dreamed that i woke up up in the middle of the night to the jack in the box sound. da dah, da dah, da dah da da dah sound you know what i mean? well it popped out and it really scared me. What does that mean?




  1. Since you are questioning God and your religious beliefs, you have opened your mind to many various possibilities in the spiritual realms.  You're not too sure of God, but since the alternatives are unknown, you may be afraid one of these "alternatives" is going to jump "out of the box" and get you!  Because spiritually, the unknown is a pretty scary concept, isn't it?

    Or, maybe you think God is mad because of your questions and that He is going to jump out and GET you.

    Pray and ask God for wisdom in all of this.  Ask Him to reveal Himself to you in truth.  Tell Him, "God, I don't even know if I believe in you.  I just want to know the truth."  So... if He's there, He'll hear you, right?  Meanwhile, don't give up on  Him.  You don't even know Him yet. Perhaps all you know is other people's opinions about Him!

    God bless you,


  2. I think you may benefit from a change in acquaintances

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